Community Development Publications

Community Development publications include a magazine that highlights community reinvestment activities, profiles that assess the credit needs of communities and identify programs that help banks meet those needs, and special publications that cover topics such as fair lending and small business technical assistance.

Communities & Banking coverCommunities & Banking
Quarterly publication geared for lenders and community development practitioners, reporting on regional and national trends in community development, affordable housing, and financial services
community development discussion papersCommunity Development Discussion Papers
Series of research publications exploring regional and national issues in community development, consumer affairs, and economic education
cover of New England Community Outlook SurveyNew England Community Outlook Survey
A quarterly survey gauging financial and economic conditions in the region's lower-income communities
New England Community Developments CoverNew England Community Developments
A publication exploring emerging issues in community development and consumer affairs
Closing the Gap coverClosing the Gap: A Guide to Equal Opportunity Lending
A program for financial institutions seeking to ensure all loan applicants are treated fairly and receive equal access to credit


Smart Subsidy for Community DevelopmentSmart Subsidy for Community Development
How community development organizations are using subsidy effectively and efficiently in markets
REO & Vacant Properties: Strategies for Neighborhood Stabilization REO & Vacant Properties: Strategies for Neighborhood Stabilization
Research and commentary on the scope and nature of the REO challenge and strategies to deal with REO and vacant properties
Opportunities for Community Development Finance in the Disability MarketOpportunities for Community Development Finance in the Disability Market
Trends and opportunities in the disability housing market; programs, research, and legislation aimed at promoting asset-building for the disability consumer; and efforts to increase the employment of people with disabilities
Revisting the CRARevisiting the CRA: Perspectives on the Future of the Community Reinvestment Act
Research papers and essays that document how much the industry has changed since the CRA was passed in 1977, including proposals for CRA reform
Faith-Based Community Economic Development coverFaith-Based Community Economic Development: Principles & Practices
An introduction to faith-based community economic development