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Global Economy
Our economists research and analyze global macroeconomics, trade, development, and other international economic issues relating to the New York Fed's core missions.
New from Liberty Street Economics
Liberty Street Economics Blog Follow That Money! How Global Banks Manage Liquidity Globally
Our blog authors discuss what is known and unknown about the intensity and direction of global banking flows.
By Nicola Cetorelli and Linda Goldberg
Industry-Specific Exchange Rates
Time-series data, updated through December 2010, have been posted on US industry-specific exchange rates and industry trade exposures. The data for manufacturing and non-manufacturing industries are presented in two formats, spreadsheets and charts. These data are useful references for discussions of the real consequences of globalization and exchange rates.
Recent Articles
Current Issues Policy Initiatives in the Global Recession: What Did Forecasters Expect?
The global recession of 2008-09 led to monetary and fiscal policy responses by central banks and government authorities that were often unconventional in size and scope.
By Carlos Carvalho, Stefano Eusepi, and Christian Grisse, Current Issues in Economics and Finance (18) 2, February 2012

Current Issues Why Is the U.S. Share of World Merchandise Exports Shrinking?
As the U.S. share of the world goods trade slips from its level in the 1980s and 1990s, concerns have arisen that the productivity of U.S. exporters has not been growing as fast as that of foreign firms selling similar products.
By Benjamin R. Mandel, Current Issues in Economics and Finance (18) 1, February 2012

Staff Reports Crime, House Prices, and Inequality: the Effect of UPPs in Rio
In this paper, we use a recent policy experiment in Rio de Janeiro, the installation of permanent police stations in low-income communities (or favelas), to quantify the relationship between a reduction in crime and the change in the prices of nearby residential real estate.
By Claudio Frischtak and Benjamin R Mandel, Staff Reports 542, January 2012