
Financial Education in Oklahoma Conference

The 2012 Financial Education in Oklahoma Conference, "Navigating the Changing World of Consumer Credit," brings together financial education service providers and stakeholders to learn about programs offered in the state, share experiences and identify new resources for financial education.

Oklahoma City, Okla.

Contact Information

Who should attend?
Financial educators, teachers, bank and credit union staff, business and civic leaders and individuals interested in improving financial education opportunities for Oklahomans

About the Financial Education in Oklahoma Conference

This year’s conference will provide financial educators, advocate and teachers throughout Oklahoma with information the changing landscape of consumer credit with a focus on exposing common misunderstandings and deepening knowledge about credit and debt. This conference is sponsored by the Oklahoma Jump$tart Coalition and the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Oklahoma City Branch.


  • Gail Hillebrand, Associate Director of Consumer Education and Engagement at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
  • Dr. Louis Hyman, Assistant Professor at Cornell University and author of Debtor Nation: The History of America in Red Ink

View the event agenda.

Event details

Date: Nov. 7, 2012
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Address: Moore Norman Technology Center South Penn Campus
13301 S. Penn
Oklahoma City, OK 73170

Registration information
Register online or contact Annette Phillips at 405-270-8404 by Oct. 31, 2012. The $25 registration fee includes a continental breakfast and lunch buffet.
