Consumer Information

Consumer Protection

  • Federal Reserve Consumer Help
    Find information on consumer credit, consumer protection, credit reports, foreclosures, frauds and scams, home mortgages and more.

Credit off-site

  • 5 Tips for Improving Your Credit Score (FR Board)
    Helps consumers understand how a credit score is determined and provides steps to improve it.
  • Credit Card Information (FR Board)
    Provides a basic guide to navigating the credit card process.
  • Credit Guide (FRB Chicago)
    Helps you get a good start in establishing credit, avoid hazards and know where to go and what to do if you have credit problems.

The Economy off-site

  • Economic Indicators for Consumers (FRB Richmond)
    Explains the key measures of economic well-being and what to watch for in the news media.
  • What's a Dollar Worth? (FRB Minneapolis)
    CPI inflation calculator lets you find out how much a product or service purchased in one year would be worth in another.

Home Mortgages off-site


Identity Theft off-site

  • Identity Theft (FRB Boston)
    Keys to understanding what identity theft is, how it happens, how to protect yourself, and what steps to take if your identity is stolen.
  • Fighting Back Against Identity Theft (FTC)
    What to do and who to contact if you think your identity has been stolen.
  • Internet Pirates Are Trying to Steal Your Information (OCC)
    How to identify and protect yourself from the latest Internet scam—phishing, a high-tech scam that uses spam or pop-up messages to deceive you into disclosing your credit card numbers, bank account information, Social Security number, passwords, or other sensitive information.

Interest Rates off-site


Money and Banking off-site


Savings Bonds and Treasury Securities off-site

  • Treasury Securities & Programs (U.S. Treasury)
    Information on Treasury bills, notes, bonds and Savings Bonds.
  • Savings Bond Redemption Calculator (U.S.Treasury)
    Compute the redemption values of your Savings Bonds.
  • Treasury Direct (U. S. Treasury)
    Operated by the Bureau of Public Debt, TreasuryDirect allows you to buy Treasury securities—T-bills, notes, and bonds—directly from the government.

Vehicle Leasing off-site

Complaint about a Bank?

If you have a problem with a bank or other financial insitution, contact the Federal Reserve for help.

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Foreclosure Resource Center

Up-to-date news and resources for consumers facing foreclosure.

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Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Seal
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

2200 N. Pearl St., Dallas, Texas 75201 | 214.922.6000 or 800.333.4460
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