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  • Washington D.C.
    - April 30, 2012, 9 AM - 12 PM or 1:30 - 4:30 PM

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  • Feature Publications

       USAID Responds to Ongoing Conflict in Syria

    The U.S. is committed to helping the children, women, and men affected by the ongoing conflict in Syria. For more information, click here.

       USAID Responds to Floods in China

    Rains and three typhoons in China have killed nearly 700 people and affected 245 million others throughout the country. USAID is providing relief supplies to affected communities. For more information, click here.

       USAID Responds to Floods in Indonesia

    Heavy seasonal rains have killed 10 people and flooded 80 percent of Ambon city in eastern Indonesia. USAID is responding to humanitarian needs through Mercy Corps. For more information, click here.

       USAID Responds to Floods in the Philippines

    Monsoon rains exacerbated by multiple typhoons displaced approximately 411,000 people in the Philippines. USAID is responding through Catholic Relief Services and other partners. For more information, click here.

       USAID Responds to Food Insecurity and Complex Emergency in the Sahel

    Below-average rainfall and crop production shortages in 2011 have resulted in reduced food and livestock fodder availability in parts of Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Chad, and elsewhere in the Sahel region of West Africa, where many vulnerable families are still recovering from the 2009–2010 food crisis. In addition, conflict in northern Mali has caused large-scale displacement within the country and the region. In conjunction with USG and relief agency partners, USAID staff in Washington, D.C., and the field are closely monitoring the situation across the Sahel. Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal, and The Gambia pages.

    Disaster Assistance Across the Globe Disaster Assistance Across the Globe

      Our Mandate

    The Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) is the office within USAID responsible for facilitating and coordinating U.S. Government emergency assistance overseas. As part of USAID’s Bureau for Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance (DCHA), OFDA provides humanitarian assistance to save lives, alleviate human suffering, and reduce the social and economic impact of humanitarian emergencies worldwide.

      Our Work

    OFDA responds to all types of natural disasters, including earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, cyclones, floods, droughts, fires, pest infestations, and disease outbreaks. OFDA also provides assistance when lives or livelihoods are threatened by catastrophes such as civil conflict, acts of terrorism, or industrial accidents. In addition to emergency assistance, OFDA funds mitigation activities to reduce the impact of recurrent natural hazards and provides training to build local capacity for disaster management and response.

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