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Join Congresswoman Napolitano and SAMHSA Feb. 1st @ 2PM ET for a Twitter Chat on Mental Health

31 January 2012 3 Comments

Written By: Representative Grace Napolitano

Tomorrow, Wednesday, February 1, at 2:00 p.m. EST, I will be hosting a mental health “Twitter chat” with SAMHSA on Twitter, using the hashtag #mhchat.

As Co-Chair of the bipartisan Congressional Mental Health Caucus for the past nine years, I have learned that in every county of every state there are veterans, youngsters, seniors, and people from all walks of life who are affected by mental health issues.  If we want to raise awareness and improve mental health, our outreach must be similarly widespread.  There are mental health advocates and service providers all over the country who form a community with the common goal of improving mental health.

It is with this understanding that I am hosting this week’s Twitter chat on mental health with SAMHSA. Anyone with an internet connection and a Twitter account will be able to get connected with mental health officials in Washington, D.C. and learn about the resources we have available at the federal level.  Our discussion will cover a variety of topics, including stigma and youth mental health. We will be answering questions, taking input and hopefully creating new connections online that will strengthen our national mental health community.  The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline will also be there with a mental health professional to monitor and contribute to our chat.

Please join us.  My Twitter handle is @GraceNapolitano, SAMHSA’s is @samhsagov and we will be using the hashtag #mhchat. The chat starts at 2:00 eastern time and goes for an hour – I hope to see you there.

What: Mental Health Twitter Chat with Congresswoman Napolitano and SAMHSA

When: Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Where: Via Twitter hashtag #mhchat

Time: 2:00 PM- 3:00 PM (EST)

Twitter Handles:






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