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SAMHSA and the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America: Collaborate, Advocate, and Innovate for Prevention

30 January 2012 No Comment


Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA)

CADCA is the nation’s leading community-focused drug abuse prevention organization. It represents more than 5,000 community anti-drug coalitions across the country. Their efforts are focused on training local grassroots groups on how to assess and develop comprehensive plans to address substance abuse-related problems.

CADCA’s Annual National Leadership Forum: February 6 – 9, 2012

Since 1990, CADCA has hosted its Annual National Leadership Forum. The Leadership Forum is considered the nation’s largest meeting for community prevention leaders, treatment professionals, and researchers.  SAMHSA has actively supported this national event since its inception in 1991.

The theme of this year’s Leadership Forum, “Collaborate. Advocate. Innovate.”, is focused on the future of alcohol, tobacco, and drug abuse prevention, treatment, and research. Check out CADCA’s Forum Website for more details.

SAMHSA Prevention Day

SAMHSA has had a long-standing partnership with CADCA since the inception of the National Leadership Forum. In 2004, SAMHSA officially partnered with CADCA to host Community Prevention Day, convened the day before the start of the National Leadership Forum. This annual gathering provides a venue for participants to receive training and technical assistance specific to substance abuse prevention, as well as to network with other grantees and partners.

This year’s SAMHSA Prevention Day will be held on February 6.  Attendees will have the opportunity to share experiences and information and take part in workshops to develop strategic organizational skills. The all-day event is open to the public and free, but REGISTRATION  is required. Check out the SAMHSA Prevention Day Agenda for more information on the agenda and specific workshops.

In addition to the SAMHSA Prevention Day workshops, SAMHSA is hosting sessions during CADCA’s National Leadership Forum. For a complete listing of the sessions see the Leadership Forum Agenda.

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