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Getting Operational

In order to purchase equipment and services in the USAccess Program, agencies must first complete the "Onboarding" process described on the Getting Started page.

USAccess Deployment

Agency Deployment Process - select to view larger picture.
Agency Deployment Process
(select for full image)

1. Deployment Planning

During the agency's project planning, the MSO deployment team will be available to provide guidance to the agency to determine what equipment and peripherals they will need to procure and where they may want to locate their credentialing centers. What is ordered will be dependent on how many enrollment stations may be deployed, whether the credentialing centers are shared or dedicated, and if they need to use GSA resources to perform the registrar role. This page answers those questions and explains the steps involved in the agency becoming operational

2. Agency Orders Services and Peripherals

The agency places an order with the MSO for the services and peripherals they will need to credential their employees and contractors. Services may include purchasing stand alone enrollment and activation equipment, a MSO-supplied Registrar hired to work in the agency's Credentialing Center or Instructor Led Training classes for Registrars. The agency and MSO work together to finalize the Agency's requirements and complete the order. Pricing for USAccess services can be found on the USAccess Price List.

Once the order is validated, the MSO processes the order. This involves notifying contracted service providers of the impending order so work can begin on scheduling the agency's deployment of services.

3.a. Conduct Site Preparation Activities

For enrollment and activation station orders, the MSO will provide a READY! Guide instruction manual to the agency. The READY! Guide describes in detail the requirements for hosting an enrollment station. The SET! worksheet provided to the agency is filled out and returned to the MSO as part of site preparation activities. This worksheet covers items such as location of the agency's site, layout and general building information, number of workstations required, ship to address of the site, existing electrical and networking capability, IP address information, etc.

The MSO Deployment Team will work with the agency Points of Contact (POCs) to review and prepare the agency's credentialing center(s) installation. Once each agency's site is prepared to proceed, an installation date will be scheduled. A few weeks prior to the scheduled installation date, there will be a final call (GO!) between the MSO, deployment engineers, and agency POCs to verify that each site is ready.

During this stage, the peripherals ordered by the agency will be built and prepared according to the agency's order and content contained in the SET! worksheet completed by the agency. Once complete, the equipment will be shipped to the agency site where it will be set up by a MSO-supplied technician on the installation date.

3.b. Hire and Train Center Staff

While site planning activities are underway, personnel to run the Credentialing Center must be identified, credentialed, and trained. If the agency has contracted for the MSO to supply a Registrar to enroll and activate credentials for agency employees and contractors, then the interviewing and hiring process will begin. This person will also be scheduled to attend the Instructor Led Training (ILT) Registrar training held in Herndon, VA.

If the agency is providing its own Registrar, then the agency is responsible for ensuring this person is enrolled in the official USAccess Program Registrar training. In addition to the ILT, there is Registrar Web-based Training (WBT).

In either case, the Registrar must be identified, background checks completed, and training finished by the installation date scheduled by the USAccess deployment team. This Registrar must also have enrolled for and had a USAccess credential printed and delivered to the site, as the Registrar credential is typically used to certify Activation workstations during installations.

4. Install and Certify Workstation at Agency Site

On the day of workstation installation, MSO will send a technician to the agency site to set up the new equipment. The site point of contact (POC) and the Registrar will complete the certification checklist. During these activities, the Registrar assigned to the site will activate his/her credential and enroll an Applicant to complete the certification. This checklist should then be signed by the technician, POC and Registrar and faxed back to USAccess Deployment Team to complete certification.

Center Enrolls Applicants and/or Activates Credentials

Once the workstation is installed at the site and certified by the Registrar and technician, the agency is ready to enroll Applicants and activate credentials.

The Registrar can remain current on system enhancements and policy changes by viewing the Team Registrar and Activator Communication and Knowledge Source (TRACKS) Web site daily, and by attending the monthly teleconference Registrar Refresher Trainings. For details on the next Registrar Refresher Training, view any Blue Top newsletter.

Ongoing Operations and Support

Ordering Test Cards

As customers are planning their agency’s identity and access management strategy, they are considering how and when the PIV credential will be used, whether for logical access to an online application or physical access to a government facility. Effectively testing those systems or other software and hardware with a live credential not belonging to an actual user is a desirable approach. Customers may purchase test cards to help ensure the systems to which the credentials are being used can be securely and reliably accessed. To order test cards, carefully read and complete the Test Card Instructions and Order form. The Test Card form must be accompanied with a completed USAccess Service Order Form.  For questions, contact Daryl Hendricks Daryl.Hendricks@gsa.gov or email hspd12@gsa.gov .

Need to Move Credentialing Center Equipment

Office space configuration changes frequently - expanding, contracting or just moving around in the same building. As a result, an agency may decide that the USAccess credentialing center would be better suited in a more convenient location particularly if it has been a designated shared station. To maintain the integrity of the credentialing center, an agency needs to contact the MSO to coordinate moving or relocating any USAccess provided equipment. Complete the USAccess Equipment Relocation Request form to move existing Enrollment or Activation machines to a new location. Follow the instructions contained in the form.

Cleaning Supplies for the Cross Match Guardian 10 Print Fingerprint Scanner

Taking proper care of the fingerprint equipment in the Credential Center will not only extend its life but promote a healthy work environment for you and the applicants. Review the Cleaning supplies for the Cross Match Guardian Fingerprint Scanner  document to learn how to order cleaning kits and supplies.