About the Dallas Fed

As one of twelve regional Reserve Banks in the Federal Reserve System, the Dallas Fed serves the Eleventh Federal Reserve District, which consists of Texas, northern Louisiana and southern New Mexico. We’ve developed this Web site to help you gather information about the role the Dallas Fed plays in maintaining the economic vitality and financial stability of this region.


The Dallas Fed is located at 2200 N. Pearl Street on the northeast corner of Woodall Rodgers Freeway and Pearl Street in downtown Dallas. The building is located on eight acres of property adjacent to Dallas’ Arts District in the historic State–Thomas neighborhood.

Detailed driving directions and a map to the Dallas Fed are available online.

About the Building

Opened in September 1992, the 17-story structure has an Indiana limestone exterior. The ground floor, which contains all of the Bank’s financial operations, covers six acres, or approximately 250,000 square feet. The ground floor alone is equivalent in space to a 12-story office building.

The building was designed by three architectural firms: Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates, New York; Sikes Jennings Kelly & Brewer, Houston; and John S. Chase, FAIA, Dallas and Houston. Dallas-based Austin Commercial Inc. served as project manager and general contractor.

The Art Collection

The Dallas Fed’s art collection comprises contemporary works, including sculpture, oil and acrylic paintings, photographs, lithographs, collages, pen and ink drawings and a sound sculpture. The collection represents a diverse group of artists from Texas, Louisiana and New Mexico whose expressions reflect the Eleventh District’s historical and cultural diversity.


Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Seal
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

2200 N. Pearl St., Dallas, Texas 75201 | 214.922.6000 or 800.333.4460
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