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Community Development Events

Credit Building Is Asset Building: A Credit-Building Seminar from the Credit Builders Alliance

November 17, 2009
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

CBA's Credit Building Is Asset Building trainings are fundamentally changing the way financial educators and asset builders around the country understand credit in today's economy and how they implement their work.

Why CBA's Asset-Based Credit Education Training?

CBA challenges asset building practitioners to rethink credit and offers tools and strategies in its Credit Builders 5-Step© approach that can be immediately implemented in practice.

Training Goals

  • Better understand today's credit economy, specifically with respect to the underbanked
  • Learn an asset-based approach to working with credit
  • Access credit reports and scores with and for your clients
  • Measure financial education outcomes and self sufficiency with credit reports
  • Use Credit Builder Toolkit, online resource sharing tools and innovations around asset-based credit

Who is the training for?

  • Financial coaches and trainers
  • Housing counselors
  • Microenterprise lenders and TA (Technical Assistance) providers
  • IDA (Individual Development Account) practitioners
  • Workforce development specialists
  • Tax Prep/VITA site volunteers
  • Financial institutions
  • Government agencies

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Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

2200 N. Pearl St., Dallas, Texas 75201 | 214.922.6000 or 800.333.4460
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