Diversity and Inclusion


Message from the President

photo of eric rosengren, boston fed presidentThe Bank is committed to diversity, and to respect for people and their capabilities regardless of their race, religion, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or genetic information or any such factor or attribute.  As Bank president, I am committed to building on and improving on the Bank's tradition of diversity, equal opportunity, and inclusion. I believe it is only with a diverse and inclusive workplace that the Bank can truly perform at its best, carry out its mission, and make a difference for the public we are here to serve.
Eric Rosengren, President and CEO


  • Annual Report to Congress
    Annual summary of practices at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston that foster diversity and inclusion in areas related to the Bank’s workforce, suppliers and financial literacy.
  • Employer Information (EEO-1) Reports
    The EEO-1 Report is the demographic representation of the Bank's employee population reported to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) every year.

About the Office of Diversity and Inclusion

The Office of Diversity and Inclusion is a formally established department of the Bank dedicated to advancing and supporting diversity, inclusion, and equal employment opportunity at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston.

Responsibilities include:

Internal Diversity & Inclusion   EEO Compliance & Reporting
  • Diversity Strategy & Plan
  • Insights Follow-Up
  • Diversity & Inclusion Council
  • Diversity Office Objectives / Business Plan
  • Departmental Partnerships
  • Multicultural Events
  • Diversity Training
  • Fed Reserve Assignments
  • Diversity & EEO Employee Relations / Complaint Resolution
  • Supplier Diversity
  • Measurement & Metrics
  • Advisory Services
  • EEO Filings
  • EEO Performance Report
  • Opportunity & Outreach Report
  • Formal EEO Complaints
  • Internal Reporting to EC
  External Relations
  • Diversity Advisory Council
  • Community Partnerships & Forums
  • Minority- & Women- Owned Businesses / Vendors
  • Minority Professional Networks
  • Minority Recruitment Events

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Diversity Advisory Council         

In May 2009, the Bank established an external Diversity Advisory Council to work collaboratively with the President and the Office of Diversity to provide advice, counsel, thought leadership, and feedback regarding actions, initiatives, and strategies the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston can undertake:

  • To improve diversity within the FRBB at upper levels; and
  • To make meaningful contributions, aligned with the FRBB’s strengths and resources, to improving workplace diversity at upper levels in firms and institutions located in the First District community. 

The Diversity Advisory Council is comprised of recognized diversity business leaders from the New England region.

2012 Members

  • Wayne Budd
    Senior Counsel
    Goodwin Procter
  • Vanessa Calderon-Rosado, Ph. D.
    Chief Executive Officer
    lnquilinos Boricuas en Acción (IBA)
  • Joe Chow
    Former Executive Vice President
    State Street Bank
  • Ronald Homer
    President and Managing Director
    Access Capital Strategies
  • Valerie Mosley
    Wellington Company
  • Gail Snowden
    Chief Executive Officer
    Freedom House
  • Kirk Sykes
    President and Managing Director
    Urban Strategy America Fun

Internal Diversity and Inclusion Working Group (DIWG)

The primary goals of the DIWG are to help advance the Bank's diversity and inclusion objectives, share the diverse perspectives of Bank colleagues and act as a sounding board. The group will meet bimonthly, and members will serve on subcommittees focused on important diversity and inclusion issues i.e. recruiting, communications, and supplier diversity.

Current members include: Kristen Battistelli, Joseph Cacciola, Thomas DeCoff, Yvonne Law, Suzanne Lorant, Jeanne MacNevin, Maria Pinnix, Maria Ricoy, Sheryl Snowden, and Sharon St. Louis.


Diversity and Inclusion Mission

  • Be a catalyst for best ideas, innovation, solutions, improved morale, and measurable outcomes by effectively leveraging the Bank's diverse human capital.
  • Establish a process to effectively infuse diversity and inclusion into the Bank's culture, idea vetting process, recruitment and retention practices, management expectations, leadership development, and business activity.

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Diversity and Inclusion Vision

Our vision is to achieve the highest standards of excellence in diversity leadership. Specifically, we aspire to:

  • Ensure diversity at every level of the organization by:
    • Reflecting the diversity of the relevant applicant pools;
    • Partnering with others to increase the diversity of the pipeline of candidates; and
    • Working proactively to make certain that our recruitment and retention practices keep pace with an increasingly professional and diverse workforce.
  • Be recognized by our employees, our customers, and the community as an institution where internal and external opportunities and rewards are allocated on the basis of performance and contributions.
  • Make diversity and inclusion a conscious part of every employee’s business conduct and of our organizational culture.
  • Foster an environment of open, responsive, and proactive communication.
  • Sustain and nurture our diversity efforts through frequent, critical self-reflection.

Realizing our vision will promote a work environment characterized by creativity, dynamism, responsiveness, pro-activeness, integrity, honesty, fairness and respect. This will help the Bank achieve its mission and support its values.


Equal Employment Opportunity Statement

The Board of Directors has declared unanimously that it is policy of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston to:

  • Provide equal opportunity to all persons without regard to race, religion, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or genetic information in all actions, including employment, promotion, transfer, termination, wages, benefits and other conditions and privileges of employment.
  • Take action to prevent harassment or intimidation of all employees and to ensure that there is no retaliation against individuals who exercise rights protected by the policy.
  • Encourage participation by minority vendors in supplying needed goods and services in the Banks’ purchasing requirements.
  • Encourage equal opportunities among the Bank’s contractors.
  • Establish valid and reliable criteria against which to measure the success of the equal opportunity efforts.
  • Provide an example of achievement to the financial community of the First District and to the Federal Reserve System in ensuring equal opportunities.
  • Provide information and technical assistance as requested to financial institutions in the First District regarding establishment and administration of equal opportunity programs.
  • Delegate to officers, managers, and supervisors the responsibility for achieving the equal opportunity objectives within their respective areas of administration.
  • Be an active participant in community activities directed toward improved educational and employment training opportunities for the economically disadvantaged.


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Office of Diversity and Inclusion

Marques Benton
Vice President and Director

Carole Sears
Department and Supplier Diversity Manager

Nathalie Hills
Senior Secretary

Eric Benjamin
Diversity Analyst

Yasin Jamal
Diversity Analyst