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September 10, 2012

Sen. Begich Back to Washington
After Busy August in Alaska


Wind Farm Tour – Sen. Begich joined Sen. Ron Wyden from Oregon for a tour of the new wind farm being built by Cook Inlet Region Incorporated on Fire Island across from Anchorage.

After a busy few weeks in Alaska during the August congressional recess, the Senate returns to business in Washington, D.C., this week with an agenda focused on the nation’s economic recovery. My priority is passing a budget measure to avoid the threatened federal government shutdown of recent years so our economy continues improving after the worst crisis since the Great Depression. I’m also focused on several Alaska priorities designed to ready the Arctic for pending development, keeping our fisheries industry healthy and tax relief.

While home, I was pleased to host several federal officials key to Alaska development issues. I met with Interior Deputy Secretary David Hayes to keep up the full court press on federal approval of Shell’s offshore development. So far, the company appears to be on track to make historic progress drilling exploratory wells in the Beaufort and Chukchi seas this season. This work will employ hundreds of Alaskans and pave the way for future Arctic oil and gas development to help fill our oil pipeline and keep our economy strong.

I also spent two days hosting Oregon Senator Ron Wyden, who is the likely next chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, assuming Democrats retain a majority in the Senate. Senator Wyden and I met with Alaska Native leaders, transportation and energy officials and took questions from Alaskans on local talk radio. Sen. Wyden and I are pushing tax reform legislation designed to simplify our tax code to encourage more job growth.

Also on my priority list for Washington this week is introduction of legislation to provide for enhanced scientific research in the Arctic as development there picks up steam. I also will introduce a bill to create a national seafood marketing and development effort to increase value and create jobs in Alaska’s seafood industry. Through the Oceans and Fisheries Subcommittee I chair, we’ll be working to strengthen the Coast Guard, which provides such vital service to Alaskans.

Of course, the key to Alaska’s long-term prosperity is great schools, so I’m pleased to welcome Begich Middle School science teacher Scott Kluever to my team as an education fellow for the coming year. An award-winning Anchorage educator for 19 years, Scott will help us focus on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) issues.

Have a great week.

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Senator Mark Begich


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Begich Secures Two-Year Reprieve for Historic Alaska Sign

After weeks of wrangling with the Federal Highways Administration over the historic Diamond Jim’s sign along the Seward Highway, south of Anchorage, Sen. Begich secured a commitment from the FHWA to allow the State of Alaska to establish its own timeframe for resolution of the sign issue for two years. Begich called Mary Lou Redmond, owner of the iconic sign and liquor store in Indian, to inform her of the commitment to keep her sign where it is for now. "Alaskans have come to know and love the sign and Mary Lou over the last 50 years," said Begich. "It’s a little piece of history we need to protect." The sign is considered historic by the Municipality of Anchorage Historic Preservation Commission; helping Begich make his argument to Federal Highways it should be preserved. Over the past several weeks, Begich has been urging the U.S. Department of Transportation to help Mary Lou keep the sign where it is.

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Forest Service Celebration – Sen. Begich joined Anchorage Mayor Dan Sullivan and other dignitaries for the ribbon cutting of the renovated historic Alaska Railroad Freight Shed. The recently-renovated freight shed is the new home of the USDA Forest Service in Anchorage.

Planning Broadband Expansion in Alaska – Sen. Begich held a roundtable discussion with FCC Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel and local education, business, and telecom industry leaders to discuss expanding broadband internet across Alaska, especially in rural communities.

Begich to Introduce Arctic Deepwater Port Legislation

Sen. Begich plans to introduce legislation to help clear the way for development of a deepwater port in the Arctic. Such a port is likely necessary to service new activity in the Arctic, including oil and gas development, shipping and tourism. The senator continues talking to Alaskans and stakeholders in several industries to understand what is needed, what is already happening, and what federal legislation is required. Options he is considering include a streamlined and coordinated federal permitting process with a clearly designated lead agency, creation of an independent public corporation (such as the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority) which could finance and build a port offshore in federal waters, and ensuring Arctic port construction has access to federal infrastructure funding streams.


Seafood Marketing Bill Announcement – Sen. Begich held a press conference at Copper River Seafoods in Anchorage to announce his plans to introduce a National Seafood Marketing bill to increase value and create jobs in the seafood industry.

Sen. Begich attended “Make it Monday” hosted by the Anchorage Chamber of Commerce to update attendees on various issues in Congress including Arctic development and the upcoming tax debate.

Seafood Marketing Legislation Has Broad Support

Noting the success of the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute (ASMI), Sen. Begich is introducing legislation to create a national seafood marketing and development effort to increase value and create jobs in the seafood industry. The proposal was drafted by a nationwide coalition and is supported by 75 fishing groups and others from the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, the Great Lakes and the Gulf of Mexico. The legislation is being finalized and will be introduced in the coming weeks. "Alaska fishermen have long benefitted from ASMI’s work on market research and promotion of our quality seafood products both at home and abroad," Begich said. "Other regions have similar efforts but this is a good time to step up these efforts with a national program to improve seafood quality and new product development, conduct market research and better promote and respond when challenges like natural disasters affect to the industry." Begich announced the legislation at a news conference in last month at Copper River Seafoods in Anchorage. He was joined by representatives from the company, the National Seafood Marketing Coalition, the American Shrimp Processors Association, the Massachusetts Lobstermen’s Association, and the United Fishermen of Alaska.

This week's website features

Tax Fairness and Simplification

Tour of Campbell Creek Estuary

Sen. Begich held a roundtable discussion with Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) and local business leaders on the Wyden-Coats-Begich Bipartisan Tax Fairness and Simplification Act and previewed the tax reform debate coming in Congress. If you have thoughts or ideas about tax reform, email Sen. Begich at

Sen. Begich toured new city park land in Anchorage to witness firsthand a successful public-private conservation effort. He was joined by Sen. Wyden, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Director Dan Ashe, and Phil Shephard, Executive Director of the Great Land Trust.

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Office of U.S. Senator Mark Begich. All Rights Reserved.

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