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Electronic Applications (E-Apps)

E-Apps is now available to all registered filers.

The Federal Reserve has developed an internet-based system for electronically submitting application documents in a secure environment.  Starting January 25, 2010, banking organizations or authorized representatives, such as law firms or consulting firms, can register to use E-Apps.  The electronic submission of applications can provide numerous benefits, including a reduction in copying and shipping expenses, as well as a faster and more efficient way of submitting important documents to the Federal Reserve System.

Most applications currently filed by paper submission can be filed electronically including those for bank holding company mergers and acquisitions, nonbanking activities, state member bank mergers, acquisitions and branch expansions, as well as international banking applications.

Each Reserve Bank has a local expert to assist in the use of E-Apps.  The Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s expert is Robin Whidbee who can be reached at 212-720-5786.