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Thursday, October 18, 2012

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Money in Motion Exhibit

Come to Money in Motion, where over 250,000 visitors have learned about money, banking, and the Federal Reserve System.

This permanent exhibit at the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia is free and employs advanced presentation technology and interactive displays. The exhibit is a wonderful place to learn the story of central banking in the United States.

Philadelphia is the home of the first Bank of the United States, and that's why the Philadelphia Fed is eager to tell you about the nation's financial history.

  • Trace the changes in our national currency from the early 1600s to today. View money from the original 13 colonies. Examine a rare $100,000 bill.
  • Test your skill at operating a bank by correctly answering questions that advance you from trainee to investment manager.
  • Learn the Fed's role in maintaining national financial stability, especially in the days following 9-11-01. Explore in depth our country's monetary policy over the past five decades.
  • Listen to a futuristic teller describe the payment system.
  • In addition, marvel at a 25-foot tower of shredded bills totaling $100 million. Examine a currency cart representing $1,350,000 in $5 bills.
  • Test your skill at detecting counterfeits and learn about the new security features on the latest currency. Match wits with Benjamin Franklin and test your knowledge of money.

The Philadelphia Fed is open to nonscheduled visits for individuals or groups of fewer than 10 people. Groups of no more than 10 people from an individual school will be admitted to the exhibit for an unscheduled tour. Prescheduled visits for schools, community groups, and summer camps can be made by contacting Patricia Lenar-Burns at 215-574-6257 or toll free at 866-574-3727 or by e-mail at E-mail

We require a two-week window to schedule a visit. March through June are very busy months for school visits so book your visit early.

Exhibit Hours

March through December

9:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
Last visitors admitted at 4:00 p.m.

Contact Information

(866) 574-3727 (toll-free)

Need Directions?

The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia is located at 6th and Arch streets, on Independence Mall — across from the National Constitution Center External Link, steps from the Liberty Bell External Link, Independence Visitor Center External Link, and Independence Hall External Link.

Need detailed directions? Go to our visitor information section of the website.