Public Policy Discussion Papers

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Public Policy Discussion Papers present new policy research, research surveys, or research bearing on policy issues. The papers are written for policymakers, informed business people, and academics by economists at the Boston Fed, and many of them present research intended for professional journals. The series began in 2004 with Number 04-1.

Full text of papers are available in portable document format (PDF).

Latest Papers

No. 12-5
"Foreclosure Externalities: Some New Evidence"
by Kristopher S. Gerardi, Eric Rosenblatt, Paul S. Willen, and Vincent W. Yao


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No. 12-4
"Shifting Confidence in Homeownership: The Great Recession"
by Anat Bracha and Julian C. Jamison


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No. 12-3
“The Supplemental Security Income Program and Welfare Reform”

by Lucie Schmidt


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No. 12-2
“Why Did So Many People Make So Many Ex Post Bad Decisions? The Causes of the Foreclosure Crisis”

by Christopher L. Foote, Kristopher S. Gerardi, and Paul S. Willen


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No. 12-1
“Effects of Credit Scores on Consumer Payment Choice”

by Fumiko Hayashi and Joanna Stavins


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2011 Papers

No. 11-10
“Account-to-Account Electronic Money Transfers: Recent Developments in the United States”

by Oz Shy
A subsequent version of this paper was published in Review of Network Economics vol. 11, no. 1 (March 2012): 1-23.


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No. 11-9
“Do Borrower Rights Improve Borrower Outcomes? Evidence from the Foreclosure Process”

by Kristopher Gerardi, Lauren Lambie‐Hanson, and Paul S. Willen


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No. 11-8
“Economic Literacy and Inflation Expectations: Evidence from a Laboratory Experiment”

by Mary A. Burke and Michael Manz


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No. 11-7
“Quantifying the Role of Federal and State Taxes in Mitigating Income Inequality”

by Daniel H. Cooper, Byron F. Lutz, and Michael G. Palumbo


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No. 11-6
“Securitization and Moral Hazard: Evidence from Credit Score Cutoff Rules”

by Ryan Bubb and Alex Kaufman


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No. 11-5
“Classroom Peer Effects and Student Achievement”

by Mary A. Burke and Tim R. Sass


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No. 11-4
“An Economic Analysis of the 2010 Proposed Settlement between the Department of Justice and Credit Card Networks”

by Scott Schuh, Oz Shy, Joanna Stavins, and Robert Triest
A revised version of this paper was published in Journal of Competition Law & Economics 8(1): 107-144 (March 2012).


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No. 11-3
“Oil and the Macroeconomy in a Changing World: A Conference Summary”

by Christopher L. Foote and Jane S. Little


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No. 11-2
“Adopting, Using, and Discarding Paper and Electronic Payment Instruments: Variation by Age and Race”

by Ronald J. Mann


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No. 11-1
“The 2009 Survey of Consumer Payment Choice”

by Kevin Foster, Erik Meijer, Scott Schuh, and Michael A. Zabek


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2010 Papers

No. 10-6
“A Profile of the Mortgage Crisis in a Low-and-Moderate-Income Community”

by Lynn Fisher, Lauren Lambie-Hanson, and Paul S. Willen


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No. 10-5
“Reasonable People Did Disagree: Optimism and Pessimism About the U.S. Housing Market Before the Crash”
by Kristopher S. Gerardi, Christopher L. Foote, and Paul S. Willen


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No. 10-4
“$1.25 Trillion is Still Real Money: Some Facts About the Effects of the Federal Reserve’s Mortgage Market Investments”
by Andreas Fuster and Paul S. Willen


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No. 10-3
“Who Gains and Who Loses from Credit Card Payments? Theory and Calibrations”
by Scott Schuh, Oz Shy, and Joanna Stavins


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No. 10-2
“Mobile Payments in the United States at Retail Point of Sale: Current Market and Future Prospects”
by Marianne Crowe, Marc Rysman, and Joanna Stavins


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No. 10-1
“Person-to-Person Electronic Funds Transfers: Recent Developments and Policy Issues”
by Oz Shy


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2009 Papers

No. 09-11
“Jobs in Springfield, Massachusetts: Understanding and Remedying the Causes of Low Resident Employment Rates”
by Yolanda K. Kodrzycki and Ana Patricia Muñoz with Lynn Browne, DeAnna Green, Marques Benton, Prabal Chakrabarti, Richard Walker, and Bo Zhao


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No. 09-10
“The 2008 Survey of Consumer Payment Choice”
by Kevin Foster, Erik Meijer, Scott Schuh, and Michael A. Zabek


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No. 09-9
“Impending U.S. Spending Bust? The Role of Housing Wealth as Borrowing Collateral”
by Daniel Cooper


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No. 09-8
“TIPS Scorecard: Are TIPS Accomplishing What They Were Supposed to Accomplish? Can They Be Improved?”
by Michelle L. Barnes, Zvi Bodie, Robert K. Triest, and J. Christina Wang
A subsequent version of this paper was published in Financial Analysts Journal vol. 66 no. 5 (September/October 2010): 68-84.


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No. 09-7
“Did Easy Credit Lead to Overspending? Home Equity Borrowing and Household Behavior in the Early 2000s”

by Daniel Cooper
(Revised in March 2010)


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No. 09-6
“Reinvigorating Springfield’s Economy: Lessons from Resurgent Cities”

by Yolanda K. Kodrzycki and Ana Patricia Muñoz with Lynn Browne, DeAnna Green, Marques Benton, Prabal Chakrabarti, David Plasse, Richard Walker, and Bo Zhao


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No. 09-5
“Securitization and Moral Hazard: Evidence from a Lender Cutoff Rule”

by Ryan Bubb and Alex Kaufman


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No. 09-4
“Why Don't Lenders Renegotiate More Home Mortgages? Redefaults, Self-Cures, and Securitization”

by Manuel Adelino, Kristopher Gerardi, and Paul S. Willen


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No. 09-3
“Reviving Mortgage Securitization: Lessons from the Brady Plan and Duration Analysis”

by Fabià Gumbau-Brisa and Catherine L. Mann


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No. 09-2
“Reducing Foreclosures”

by Christopher L. Foote, Kristopher S. Gerardi, Lorenz Goette, and Paul S. Willen


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No. 09-1
“Making Sense of the Subprime Crisis”

by Kristopher S. Gerardi, Andreas Lehnert, Shane M. Sherlund, and Paul S. Willen


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2008 Papers

No. 08-6
“Subprime Mortgages, Foreclosures, and Urban Neighborhoods”

by Kristopher S. Gerardi and Paul S. Willen


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No. 08-5
“Summary of the Workshop on Consumer Behavior and Payment Choice”

by Scott Schuh, and Joanna Stavins
A subsequent version of this paper is forthcoming in the Journal of Payments Strategy & Systems.


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No. 08-4
“A New Approach to Raising Social Security’s Earliest Eligibility Age”

by Kelly Haverstick, Margarita Sapozhnikov, Robert K. Triest, and Natalia Zhivan


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No. 08-3
“Negative Equity and Foreclosure: Theory and Evidence”
by Christopher L. Foote, Kristopher Gerardi, and Paul S. Willen


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No. 08-2
“Subprime Facts: What (We Think) We Know about the Subprime Crisis and What We Don’t”
by Christopher L. Foote, Kristopher Gerardi, Lorenz Goette, and Paul S. Willen


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No. 08-1
“Why Does Unemployment Hurt the Employed? Evidence from the Life Satisfaction Gap between the Public and Private Sectors”
by Simon Luechinger, Stephan Meier, and Alois Stutzer
A subsequent version of this paper is forthcoming in the Journal of Human Resources.


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2007 Papers

No. 07-5
“Discounting Financial Literacy: Time Preferences and Participation in Financial Education Programs”
by Stephan Meier and Charles Sprenger


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No. 07-4
“Consumer Behavior and Payment Choice: 2006 Conference Summary”
by Margaret Carten, Dan Littman, Scott Schuh, and Joanna Stavins


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No. 07-3
“The Theory of Life-Cycle Saving and Investing”
by Zvi Bodie, Jonathan Treussard, and Paul Willen


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No. 07-2
“Optimal Retirement Asset Decumulation Strategies: The Impact of Housing Wealth”
by Wei Sun, Robert K. Triest, and Anthony Webb


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No. 07-1
“The Boston Fed Study of Consumer Behavior and Payment Choice: A Survey of Federal Reserve System Employees”
by Marques Benton, Krista Blair, Marianne Crowe, and Scott Schuh


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2006 Papers

No. 06-7
“Managing the Risk in Pension Plans and Recent Pension Reforms”
by Richard W. Kopcke


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No. 06-6
“Do Households Benefit from Financial Deregulation and Innovation? The Case of the Mortgage Market”
by Kristopher Gerardi, Harvey S. Rosen, and Paul Willen


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No. 06-5
“Social Dynamics of Obesity”
by Mary Burke and Frank Heiland


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No. 06-4
“Collateralized Borrowing and Life-Cycle Portfolio Choice”
by Paul Willen and Felix Kubler


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No. 06-3
“Risk Bearing, Implicit Financial Services, and Specialization in the Financial Industry”

by J. Christina Wang and Susanto Basu


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No. 06-2
“Pension Accounting and Corporate Earnings: The World According to GAAP”
by Peter Fortune


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No. 06-1
“Consumer Behavior and Payment Choice: A Conference Summary”
by Marianne Crowe, Scott Schuh, and Joanna Stavins


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2005 Papers

No. 05-4
“Deciding to Distrust”
by Iris Bohnet and Stephan Meier


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No. 05-3
“Lifecycle Prices and Production”
by Mark Aguiar and Erik Hurst


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No. 05-2
“Alternative Measures of the Federal Reserve Banks’ Cost of Equity Capital”
by Michelle L. Barnes and Jose A. Lopez


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No. 05-1
“The Taxation of Equity, Dividends, and Stock Prices”
by Richard W. Kopcke


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2004 Papers

No. 04-10
“Social Security and Unsecured Debt”
by Erik Hurst and Paul Willen


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No. 04-9
“Interstate Fiscal Disparity in State Fiscal Year 1999”
by Robert Tannenwald and Nicholas Turner
(Revised in May 2006)


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No. 04-8
“Is Poland the Next Spain?”
by Francesco Caselli and Silvana Tenreyro


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No. 04-7
“Do Bank Mergers Affect Federal Reserve Check Volume?”
by Joanna Stavins


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No. 04-6
“Financial Development, Financial Constraints, and the Volatility of Industrial Output”
by Borja Larrain


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No. 04-5
“Educational Opportunity and Income Inequality”
by Igal Hendel, Joel Shapiro, and Paul Willen


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No. 04-4
“Massachusetts Business Taxes: Unfair? Inadequate? Uncompetitive?”
by Robert Tannenwald


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No. 04-3
“Wives’ Work and Family Income Mobility”
by Katharine Bradbury and Jane Katz


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No. 04-2
“Eyes on the Prize: How Did the Fed Respond to the Stock Market?”
by Jeff Fuhrer and Geoff Tootell


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No. 04-1
“Economic Policy and Prospects in Iraq”
by Christopher Foote, William Block, Keith Crane, and Simon Gray


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For questions or feedback about the Public Policy Discussion Papers, please contact:

Suzanne Lorant
Director of Research Publications

In addition to these Public Policy Discussion Papers, you may be interested in the Boston Fed's Working Papers Series, which presents statistical or technical studies intended for professional journals. Prepared by economists in the Boston Fed’s Research Department, they are written for and seek input from scholars and informed specialists.


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