Public Policy Briefs

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Public Policy Briefs present briefing materials prepared by Boston Fed research staff on topics of current interest concerning the economy.

Latest Policy Briefs from the Research Department

No. 12-2 “U.S. Household Deleveraging: What Do the Aggregate and Household-Level Data Tell Us?”
by Daniel Cooper
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No. 12-1 “Long-Term Inequality and Mobility”
by Katharine Bradbury
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No. 11-4 “Inflation Expectations and the Evolution of U.S. Inflation
by Jeffrey C. Fuhrer

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No. 11-3 “Potential Effects of an Increase in Debit Card Fees
by Joanna Stavins
(Revised in April 2012)

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No. 11-2 “The Estimated Macroeconomic Effects of the Federal Reserve's Large-Scale Treasury Purchase Program
by Jeffrey C. Fuhrer and Giovanni P. Olivei

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No. 11-1

“Do Commodity Price Spikes Cause Long-Term Inflation?”
by Geoffrey M.B. Tootell

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No. 10-3 “Evidence of a Credit Crunch? Results from the 2010 Survey of First District Community Banks”
by Jihye Jeon, Judit Montoriol-Garriga, Robert K. Triest, and J. Christina Wang

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No. 10-2 “The Role of Expectations and Output in the Inflation Process: An Empirical Assessment”
by Jeffrey C. Fuhrer and Giovanni P. Olivei

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No. 10-1 “State Government Budgets and the Recovery Act”
by Katharine Bradbury

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No. 09-1 “A Proposal to Help Distressed Homeowners: A Government Payment-Sharing Plan”
by Chris Foote, Jeff Fuhrer, Eileen Mauskopf, and Paul Willen

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No. 08-1 “Inflation Targeting—Central Bank Practice Overseas”
by Jane Sneddon Little and Teresa Foy Romano

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No. 07-2 “A Principal Components Approach to Estimating Labor Market Pressure and Its Implications for Inflation”
by Michelle Barnes, Ryan Chahrour, Giovanni Olivei, and Gaoyan Tang

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No. 07-1 “Massachusetts Employment Growth 1996–2006: Effects of Industry Performance and Industry Composition”
by Katharine Bradbury and Yolanda K. Kodrzycki

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No. 06-2 “Measurement of Unemployment”
by Katharine Bradbury

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No. 06-1 “Using State and Metropolitan Area House Price Cycles to Interpret the U.S. Housing Market”
by Yolanda K. Kodrzycki and Nelson Gerew

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No. 05-2 “Additional Slack in the Economy: The Poor Recovery in Labor Force Participation During This Business Cycle”
by Katharine Bradbury

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No. 05-1 “Regional Differences in the Impact of Energy Price Increases”
by Katharine Bradbury

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No. 04-2 “The Federal Fiscal Outlook”

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No. 04-1 “Understanding the “Job-Loss Recovery”

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For questions or feedback about the Public Policy Briefs, please contact:

Suzanne Lorant
Economics Editor

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