Structure and Deposit Information

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis' banking structure analysis website, CASSIDI, pdf contains information and data on banking markets.

Through CASSIDI, you will be able to search for and view banking market definitions, find banking market concentrations, and perform "what if" (pro forma) analyses on banking market structures.

Following are structure and deposit reports produced by the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston.

First District Structure List pdf
Provides a list of bank holding companies and bank subsidiaries located in the First Federal Reserve District.
Last revised: January 2, 2011.

Please email us with any questions and comments regarding banking structure information.


Archived Data and Reports

First Banking Market Definitions (discontinued in 2006)

  • Banking market definitions are based on 2000 Ranally Metro Areas (RMAs). RMAs represent the developed areas around major U.S. cities, as defined by Rand McNally & Co., a geographic research and mapping company based in Skokie, Illinois. RMAs may include one or more central city, town, township, or unorganized area in one or more state, but unlike Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs), are not restricted to county boundaries. 

    Additional information on how the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston defines banking markets can be found on the Elements of Antitrust Analysis page.


Cross-Reference Index of Banking Organizations and Markets (discontinued in 2006)


First District Deposit Data (discontinued in 2006)

These data were last updated through June 30, 2005, reflecting mergers and acquisitions through June 30, 2006. More recent data are available from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis' banking structure analysis website, CASSIDI. offsite

  • Banking Market Deposit Tables
    Commercial banking and thrift organizations operating in New England banking markets and the deposits, share of market deposits, and number of branches, associated with each organization. Each table also reports the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI), a measure of the market's concentration. 
  • State and New England Deposit Tables
    Ranking of commercial banking and thrift organizations by total deposits in each New England state and the region as whole. The tables indicate the deposits, ranking, and share of each institution's total deposits. The New England table also provides the number and combined aggregate deposits of all commercial banking and thrift organizations in the region. 

    Connecticut pdf  | Maine pdf | Massachusetts pdf
    New Hampshire pdf | Rhode Island pdf | Vermont pdf New England pdf


First District Banking Structure Changes (discontinued in 2006)

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Related Links

Banking Structure in New England 2001-2004
An in-depth look at the structure of New England's banking industry, including maps of all banking markets

National Information Center offsite
Comprehensive information on institutions for which the Federal Reserve has a supervisory, regulatory, or research interes

Elements of Antitrust Analysis
A description of key elements of antitrust analysis as applied to the banking industry, including the U.S. Department of Justice's guidelines for evaluating the anticompetitive effects of horizontal mergers. 

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis' banking structure analysis website, CASSIDI. offsite