New England Economic Review

New England Economic Review coverThe 2004 issue was the FINAL issue of the New England Economic Review.

As part of a comprehensive initiative to revamp the presentation of Boston Fed economists’ scholarly and policy-oriented writings, the New England Economic Review will no longer be published. It will be replaced by our Public Policy Discussion Papers series and Research Review, which was launched in 2004.

Previous issues of the New England Economic Review are available online (from 1991 on) and can still be ordered from our Research Library.

Views expressed in the New England Economic Review are those of the individual authors, and do not necessarily reflect official positions of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston or the Federal Reserve System. The authors will be glad to receive comments on their articles. Articles may be reprinted if the source is credited.

Please send copies of the reprinted materials to Suzanne Lorant:

Suzanne Lorant
Director of Research Publications
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Research Department, T-8
PO Box 55882
Boston, Massachusetts 02205

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