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High School
Includes instructional materials and professional development programs for educators and active learning opportunities for students.
Professional Development
Monetary Policy in the Classroom
A workshop for high school economics and social studies teachers designed to give educators the knowledge and tools to teach macroeconomics, monetary policy and the Federal Reserve.

2010 Agenda pdf

For more information, contact: Fiona Riviere at fiona.riviere@ny.frb.org

Student Programs
Math x Economics
A one-day program for juniors and seniors in high school who are exceptionally talented in the subject of mathematics to learn more about studying economics in college and to encourage them to consider a career in economic policy and research.

High School Fed Challenge
Teams from high schools play the role of monetary policymakers in this annual competition by analyzing current economic conditions and recommending the course for monetary policy.

Euro Challenge offsite
The Euro Challenge is an educational opportunity for high school students to learn about the European Union and the euro. The Euro Challenge is a program launched and supported by the Delegation of the European Commission to the United States, with the support of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
Get Connected
Fed Feed e-Newsletter
Sign up for Fed Feed, a periodic e-mail message to high school economics and social studies teachers with news, classroom resources, professional development opportunities and other links of interest.

Send an e-mail to fedfeed@ny.frb.org with "Subscribe high school" in the subject line.

Visit the New York Fed: Museum and Tour
Visitors learn about the Federal Reserve System's central banking functions and enter the New York Fed's vault to see and learn about the world's largest accumulation of gold.