
January 20, 2012

Anderson University Wins Richmond Fed Video Contest


Students from Anderson University won the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond's second annual Share the Wealth financial literacy video contest. The competition was open to undergraduate students from throughout the Fifth Federal Reserve District, who were challenged to create videos to help promote financial education.

The winning video, titled "Meet Joe," was created by Michael Shirley and Trevor Sullivan of Anderson University, in Anderson, S.C., and encourages viewers to plan before they spend. The second-place video, "Read Before You Sign," by Andrew Owens, Russell Martin, and Sean Meyers of the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, N.C., cautions viewers to take the time to read and understand rental contracts before signing. Adrian Bautista and Kuan Chen of Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., created the third-place video, "Life Lesson: Credit Card Debt," which conveys to viewers that credit card bills should not be ignored.

The winning videos can be viewed on the Richmond Fed's YouTube Channel.

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