Conferences and Events

Conferences and other events held at or sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston.


November 14, 2012 The Student Debt Dilemma: History, Implications, and Potential Solutions
The 8th Annual New England Consumer Advisory Group Conference
October 25, 2012

New England Study Group
Rethinking Property Tax Incentives for Business

September 19-20, 2012 Inner City Economic Summit 2012 offsite
Cities across the country are creating innovative models and collaborative partnerships to lay the groundwork for sustainable economic development.
September 13-14, 2012

Stress Testing Model Symposium
A symposium on best practices and challenges as they relate to stress testing.

August 7, 2012 Global Education Forum
An all-day seminar on the topic of financial literacy and its role in economic growth
June 21, 2012

Professional Development Program for Economics Teachers

June 20, 2012

Professional Development Program for Personal Finance Teachers

June 20, 2012

Exploring Low-Income Neighborhoods in the Regional Context

June 8, 2012 Business Opportunities in Community Development Lending — Vermont
June 7, 2012 Long-Term Fiscal Sustainability of State and Local Governments
New England Study Group
May 9-11, 2012

Reinventing Older Communities: Building Resilient Cities offsite
Consideration for building resilient cities, with a particular focus on smaller cities that were once manufacturing centers

April 25, 2012

2012 National Consumer Protection Week Conference
The 22nd annual symposium for consumer professionals.

April 25, 2012 Meet the Lenders for Maine Small Businesses
March 30, 2012

Business Opportunities in Community Development Lending—New Hampshire
For community bankers, community development experts, nonprofit lenders and municipal government representatives

March 19, 2012

Internships: A Win-Win for Employers, Students, and Academic Institutions
A gathering of business and academic leaders to discuss the benefits and best practices of student internships

February 6, 2012

Self-Financed Communities: Exploring Innovative Models for Building Assets and Social Capital

December 14, 2011 The Boston International Economic Summit offsite
Student teams represent countries from around the world and use skills acquired in the classroom to negotiate trade alliances, develop economic policies, and debate real world issues.
November 18, 2011 Business Opportunities in Community Development Lending
Learn about business opportunities in community development lending. Bankers, development experts and nonprofit leaders will discuss the challenges and successes of community development lending from their different perspectives.
November 15, 2011 gears The 7th Annual New England Consumer Advisory Group Forum
Dodd-Frank Brings New Laws and a New Agency:
Can Financial Institutions Meet the Challenges and Will Consumers Benefit?
October - November, 2011

Fall 2011 Reserve Account Management and Payment System Risk Seminar
These educational seminars are designed to provide attendees with (1) the principles and concepts necessary to manage their Federal Reserve accounts effectively and (2) essential information on Payment System Risk (PSR) and (3) an overview of 2900 Reporting.

November 8, 2011

regional community bankers conference 20102011 Regional & Community Bankers Conference
The conference provided insight on current industry issues affecting New England Regional and Community banks.

October 28-29, 2011 Macro-Finance Linkages
The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and the Department of Economics at Boston University are organizing a conference on recent developments in macroeconomics and finance. The goal of the conference is to improve our understanding of the linkages between the financial markets and the real economy in light of the recent recession.
October 18-19, 2011

The Long-Term Effects of the Great Recession
Each session of the conference focuses on long-term (beyond the recovery) or even permanent effects of the economic crisis within a specific arena.

September 20, 2011

image for growing economies in indian countryGrowing Economies in Indian Country:
Taking Stock of Progress and Partnerships

July 18, 2011 The Community Development Triad: The Intersection of Workforce, Economic, and Housing Development
Community Development Advisory Council's (CDAC) Regional Forum
July 13-14, 2011

Virtual Economics and Math Program
Over the course of two days, this two-part workshop will offer teachers 10 hours of hands-on training on how to incorporate economics, mathematics and international concepts into their classroom teaching.

July 13, 2011 Collaboration and Leadership in Smaller Industrial CitiesCollaboration and Leadership in Smaller Industrial Cities
A forum on the economic, fiscal and political challenges and opportunities facing New England's smaller industrial cities
July 11-13, 2011

Summer Teacher Workshop on Globalization and International Economics


June 22, 2011 FedExchange New Hampshire
Updates on economic research, consumer compliance, payments law for senior executives of banks, thrifts and credit unions
May 23-25, 2011

life cycle savingThe Future of Life-Cycle Saving & Investing offsite
In this conference the focus is on financial education and consumer financial protection. By facilitating the dialog among this diverse group of experts about how to improve consumers' financial capability, we hope to encourage the adoption of best practices in the development of new educational programs, financial products, and future public policies.

Use registration code LCSFEDWEB

May 17, 2011 CHAPAThe Future of Homeownership: Creating Sustainable Opportunities in a Changing Environmentpdf
The 2011 Citizens' Housing and Planning Association (CHAPA) conference will put forth a practical vision for sustainable homeownership policies and practices for the next five years. What has changed in the past few years? What have we learned and what strategies should be implemented to adjust to the changing market?

Register for the conference. offsite
May 4-5, 2011 2nd Summit for the Northern Forest2nd Summit for the Northern Forest pdf
This event will convene an invited group of practitioners from the public, private and non-profit sectors and four New England states to advance collaboration to implement the recommendations of the Northern Forest Sustainable Economy Initiative.
April 28-29, 2011

ca conference 2011The Changing Landscape of Community Development offsite
The conference will highlight new research in community development, and will include keynote remarks by Chairman Ben Bernanke and Jeffrey Sachs, author of The End of Poverty.

April 22-23, 2011

Recent Developments in Monetary Policy, Fiscal Policy, and Financial System Design: A Conference to Honor Ben Friedman
This conference brought together students and colleagues to honor Ben Friedman’s contributions to economics over the four-decade span of his career. The conference participants presented and discussed new work that is characteristic of Ben’s contributions to economics, with emphasis on monetary and fiscal policy issues.

April 20, 2011 healthy communities imageHealthy Communities: Exploring the Intersection of Community Development and Health
The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and The Boston Foundation invite you to explore how the health and community development sectors can collaborate to promote better health outcomes for low-income people and communities by addressing the social determinants of health.
April 13, 2011

Mobile Banking & Payments offsite
Get information from mobile industry insiders and identify ways to enhance mobile banking services.


April 11, 2011

New England Consumer Advisory Group
Consumer Protection Conference Brown Bag Lunch Series


March 22, 2011 national consumer protection week2011 National Consumer Protection Week Conference
What, Why, and How We Pay
Feburary 25, 2011 Small Business Lending Forum for Community Banks, Thrifts, and Credit Unions

Please join CEOs, presidents, chief credit officers and small business lenders from banks, thrifts and credit unions to discuss challenges and opportunities for smaller institutions that engage in small business lending and to hear about resources for lenders.

November 30, 2010 mismatchMismatch in the Labor Market?  Ensuring an Adequate Supply of Skilled Labor in New England
This featured research by the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston’s New England Public Policy Center that explores the potential mismatch between the supply of and demand for skilled labor in New England. 
November 18-19, 2010
December 2-3, 2010
February 4, 2011

Community Development Listening Tours
The objectives of these meetings are to identify barriers experienced in developing "sustainable communities and equitable economies" in the Northern Tier of the District. Through this and future events the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and others will work towards "bridging the gap" between the New England District's rural and urban communities and their respective community development challenges.

November 9, 2010 necag2010The New Consumer Financial Protection Law: Revolutionary Changes; Revolutionary Challenges
The 6th Annual New England Consumer Advisory Group Forum
October 21, 2010

regional and community bankers conference image2010 Regional & Community Bankers Conference
The conference provided insight on current industry issues affecting New England Regional and Community banks.

October 14-16, 2010

Revisiting Monetary Policy in a Low Inflation Environment
The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston's 55th economic conference

October 2010 Fall 2010 Reserve Account Management and Payment System Risk Seminars
The seminars are designed to provide attendees with the principles and concepts necessary to manage their Federal Reserve accounts effectively. We will share information on 2900 Deposit Reporting, Reserve Requirement and Account Management, as well as Payment System Risk (PSR) policy. Comments on PSR policy will contain an overview and focus on important changes upcoming in 1Q 2011. Also discussed will be two applications that are available to help in the account management and deposit reporting process, ReserveCalc and Internet Electronic Submission (IESUB) and representatives from the Federal Reserve will be on site to help you with any questions you may have.
June 30, 2010 state pension reform New England State Pension Reform – Responding to Demographic and Fiscal Challenges
This forum featured research by the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston’s New England Public Policy Center that investigates state pension plans in the context of the region’s aging population.
June 28-30, 2010 Summer Teacher Workshop on Globalization and International Economics
June 9, 2010 Oil and the Macroeconomy in a Changing World
The symposium gathered oil-market experts, including practitioners from commodity and financial markets; industry analysts; and academic authorities on the science, technology, politics, and economics of oil and competing energy sources. These experts shared their views with economists and policymakers from the Federal Reserve System and other institutions, as well as academics and business leaders.
June 3, 2010

FedExchange 2010
A conference for New England financial executives

May 5, 2010 Understanding the Housing Collapse: What is to Blame and What Can Be Done?
This conference featured an overview of current conditions, presentations of new research on housing, credit markets, and public policies; and discussions of public policies that might stabilize housing markets in the future. Co-sponsored by the Harvard Kennedy School's Rappaport Institute for Greater Boston.
March 31, 2010 Payments Security in a Cyber World offsite
A full-day program to help financial institutions recognize and mitigate the escalating risks in dealing with cyber threats affecting the security of payment services as well as new threats in areas like mobile banking.
March 30, 2010 20th Annual National Consumer Protection Week Conference
April 6, 2009
December 3, 2009 State Business Tax Incentives: Examining Evidence of their Effectiveness
New research by the New England Public Policy Center exploring the use and effectiveness of selected business tax credits will be released at this forum. A panel of national and regional experts will respond to Center author Jennifer Weiner’s summary remarks.
November 24, 2009

Reserve Cup offsite

November 17, 2009 "International Week" Teacher Workshop
October 1, 2009 2009 Regional & Community Bankers Conference
This conference provided insight into the Federal Reserve’s perspective on current industry issues affecting regional and community banks in New England. 
June 29–July 1, 2009 Teacher Workshop on Globalization and International Economics
June 24, 2009 CHAPA Statewide Foreclosure Conference offsite
Local, state, and federal governments have launched a variety of programs and initiatives to reduce foreclosures and stabilize neighborhoods impacted by foreclosed properties. This conference will focus on implementation of these initiatives at the local level. What strategies have been effective? What more needs to be done to stem the tide of foreclosures? This conference, sponsored by the Citizen's Housing and Planning Authority (CHAPA), and co-sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, is geared towards a wide audience including municipal officials, housing counselors, lenders, community-based developers, advocates, practitioners, policy makers, and others.
May 2 and 9, 2009

Opportunity Knocks offsite
Homebuyer fairs and affordable open houses held in communities across Massachusetts

National Economics Challenge offsite

March 31, 2009
19th Annual Consumer Protection Week Conference


December 3, 2008 Employing the Region’s Assets: Baby Boomers Meeting New England’s Skilled Workforce Needs
The New England Public Policy Center’s 4th annual conference
October 16, 2008 2008 Regional & Community Bankers Conference
This conference provided insight into the Federal Reserve’s perspective on current industry issues affecting regional and community banks in New England. 
August 12, 2008

Foreclosure Prevention Workshop at Gillette Stadium

June 30-July 2, 2008 Teacher Workshop on Globalization and International Economics
June 9-11, 2008 Understanding Inflation and the Implications for Monetary Policy: A Phillips Curve Retrospective
The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston's 53rd economic conference
May 16, 2008

Investing in Community Development and Other Emerging Domestic Markets
Institutional investors and investment management professionals engaged in nuts and bolts discussions about how to identify appropriate community development investments, evaluate risk, undergo the process of due diligence, engage other trustees in discussion, and build a portfolio incrementally. This workshop was sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, the School of Community Economic Development at Southern New Hampshire University, and AltruShare Securities.

May 14-15, 2008

New Challenges for Operational Risk Measurement and Management
The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and the Federal Reserve Board of Governors hosted a conference on AMA implementation in May 2008. The conference provided a forum for discussion of critical issues related to the upcoming implementation of the Basel II Accord in the area of Operational Risk. Discussion topics include regulatory initiatives (e.g., results from the 2008 US Range of Practice Exercise), quantification issues, the relationship between risk measurement and risk management, home/host, scenario analysis challenges, and many others.

January, February, May 2008

Virtual Economics for K-12 Teachers Professional Development Workshops
An interactive introduction to the Virtual Economics 3.0 CD, which contains 1200+ valuable lesson plans. Find out about the March 31 Economics Challenge for Massachusetts high school students and Entrepreneurship learning opportunities for elementary and middle school students.

March 25, 2008

National Consumer Protection Week Conference
What Every Consumer Should Know in 2008


December 5, 2007

Financing Municipalities in New England: Revisiting the State-Local Relationship
The New England Public Policy Center's 3rd annual conference will investigate the fiscal relationship between New England's state and municipal governments and discuss potential strategies to finance municipalities. Specifically, speakers will examine the design of municipal aid formulas and address the potential impact of adopting local option sales taxes.

December 3, 2007 Working Together to Build Wealth in Lower-Income Communities
A Forum on Strategies for financial institutions, community-based organizations and public programs to expand access to financial services, financial education and asset development.
November 19, 2007 Economic Summit for High School Teachers of Economics and Personal Finance
The 2007 Economics Summit was on Monday, November 19th at St. Paul's School in Concord, NH. This event was open to secondary high school teachers across New England who teach economics or personal finance.
October 25, 2007 2007 Regional & Community Bankers Conference
Presentation topics included an economic outlook, changes in real estate lending, an update on identity theft, and funding trends.
September 27- 28, 2007 Implications of Behavioral Economics for Economic Policy
June 27-29, 2007 Teacher Workshops: Globalization
The Boston Fed, in collaboration with the New York, Chicago, and Dallas Reserve Banks, provided a professional development workshop for teachers on the topics of globalization and international economics.
June 18-20, 2007 Labor Supply in the New Century
This conference mapped out what we know—and explore what we don’t—about the U.S. labor force of the future. Papers and presentations are now available.
May 21, 2007 2007 EPRG Contactless Forum
This EPRG forum brought together invited industry experts, academics, and Federal Reserve System payments professionals to explore the realm of contactless smart cards.
March 27, 2007 National Consumer Protection Week Conference
Topics included fraud prevention, dealing with difficult consumers and businesses, and consumer scams.