Teacher Workshops

The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston provides teacher workshops and professional development opportunities in the content areas of the Federal Reserve System, economics, economic history and financial literacy. In some instances the Boston Fed will initiate the content, in others it may host and others it may serve as a specific content resource.

Latest and Upcoming

August 7, 2012 Global Education Forum
An all-day seminar on the topic of financial literacy and its role in economic growth
June 21, 2012

Professional Development Program for Economics Teachers


June 20, 2012

Professional Development Program for Personal Finance Teachers



Prior Workshops


July 13-14, 2011

Virtual Economics and Math Program
Over the course of two days, this two-part workshop will offer teachers 10 hours of hands-on training on how to incorporate economics, mathematics and international concepts into their classroom teaching.

July 11-13, 2011 Summer Teacher Workshop on Globalization and International Economics

The Bank is partnering with the Massachusetts Council on Economic Education and the International Economic Summit Institute to provide a three -day teacher workshop for secondary teachers from July 11 to July 13.


June 28-30, 2010 Summer Teacher Workshop on Globalization and International Economics

This three-day teacher workshop will include a two-day International Economic Summit boot camp and one day dedicated to sharing System expertise with workshop participants.



November 17, 2009

"International Week" Workshop

June 29- July 1, 2009 Teacher Workshop on Globalization and International Economics



November 2-4, 2008 National AP Economics Teachers Conference offsite
October 15 & 27,
November 19, 2008

Financing Your Future offsite

June 30-July 2, 2008 Teacher Workshop on Globalization and International Economics
July 14-15, 2008 "Making-a-Job" Teacher Workshop
July 21-23, 2008 "Mini-Society" Teacher Workshop

January 14, 2008;
February 2, 2008;
February 11, 2008;
May 6, 2008

Virtual Economics for K-12 Teachers
Professional Development Workshops
April 24 and 29, 2008 Wan2 Get Ready 4 Your Financial Future?
A free personal finance workshop for teens (grades 7-12)


November 19, 2007 Economic Summit for High School Teachers of Economics and Personal Finance
The 2007 Economics Summit was held on Monday, November 19th at the St. Paul's School in Concord, NH. This event was open to secondary high school teachers across New England who teach economics or personal finance



July 5-7, 2006

Globalization and International Economics
FRB Boston, in collaboration with the Dallas and New York Reserve Banks provided a professional development workshop on site for teachers on the topic of globalization and international economics.

March 10, 2006 Talking About College
The Boston Fed provided a one day workshop introducing teachers to the value of utilizing the ten-unit "Let's Talk About College" curriculum that was created in collaboration with Citizen Schools. This curriculum is targeted at middle school students in order to nurture their interest in attending college while at the same providing the students with accurate and current information about selecting a college and financial planning to help pay for college. This curriculum is offered and taught as an "apprenticeship" in Citizen Schools as part of their after-school programming and is being taught in fourteen public schools as part of their "Gifted and Talented" program.

Download curriculum: Let's Talk About College - A Financial Perspective pdf
(includes 10 lesson plans for middle school students)


October 24, 2005

Economic Summit
The Boston Fed initiated collaboration amongst the Connecticut Council of Economic Education and Choate Rosemary Hall to provide a one day conference that brought together high level economics thinkers and policy makers with 50 high school teachers of economics from New England, New York and New Jersey.

August 2005

Massachusetts Summer Content Institute
The Boston Fed initiated collaboration amongst Salem State College, Bridgewater State College, The Children's Museum and the Massachusetts Council for the Social Studies to provide a ten-day teacher workshop for 20 elementary teachers across the Commonwealth entitled, "Viewing the People and Places of the Commonwealth Through an Economic Perspective."

Rhode Island JumpStart Teacher Conference
The Boston Fed provided two workshops along with other providers for 100 teachers, most of which came from Rhode Island.  One presentation was on Federal Reserve System physical and digital resources for financial literacy. The other presentation was on entrepreneurship and the Boston Bank-based economic history experience called the New England Economic Adventure.