Regional Economy

Research, reports, data, and other resources related to the New England region.


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  • Economic Reports and Data
  • Other Resources

When the Tide Goes Out: Unemployment Insurance Trust Funds and the Great Recession, Lessons for and from New England video
NEPPC Research Report No. 12-1

Home-Mortgage Lending Trends in New England in 2010
Community Development Discussion Paper 2012-1

State Foreclosure Prevention Efforts: Mediation and Financial Assistance video
NEPPC Research Report 11-3

Childhood Lead and Academic Performance in Massachusetts
NEPPC Working Paper No. 11-3

Tracking Jobs in Clean Industries in New England pdf
Appendix: Definitions and Additional Data pdf
Addendum: New Green Jobs Estimates and Methodology pdf
New England Economic Indicators, Q3 2011

Designing Formulas for Distributing Reductions in State Aid
NEPPC Working Paper No. 11-2

An Overview of New England's Economic Performance in 2010 pdf
New England Economic Indicators, Q2 2011

The Bank of North Dakota: A Model for Massachusetts and Other States? video
NEPPC Research Report 11-2

Municipal Aid Evaluation and Reform
NEPPC Working Paper No. 11-1

New England Transformed
Boston Fed's 2010 Annual Report

The Bank of North Dakota: A Model for Massachusetts and Other States?
NEPPC Research Report No. 11-2

The Middle-Skills Gap: Ensuring an Adequate Supply of Skilled Labor in Northern and Southern New England
NEPPC Policy Brief No. 11-1

How Does New Hampshire Do It? An Analysis of Spending and Revenues in the Absence of a Broad-based Income or Sales Tax
NEPPC Research Report No. 11-1

Housing Policy and Poverty in Springfield pdf
Community Development Discussion Paper 2011-1

Reforming Municipal Aid in Massachusetts: The Case for a Gap-Based Formula
NEPPC Policy Brief No. 10-2

Mismatch in the Labor Market?  Ensuring an Adequate Supply of Skilled Labor in New England
NEPPC Research Report 10-2

The Housing Bust and Housing Affordability
NEPPC Discussion Paper No. 10-1, June 2010

Unaffordable Housing and Local Employment Growth
NEPPC Working Paper No. 10-3, June 2010

The Fiscal Impact of Potential Local Option Taxes in Massachusetts
NEPPC Working Paper 10-2, February 2010

State Business Tax Incentives: Examining Evidence of their Effectiveness
NEPPC Discussion Paper 09-3, December 2009

Smart Places, Getting Smarter: Facts about the Young Professional Population in New England States
NEPPC Discussion Paper 09-1, July 2009

Voting with Their Feet? Local Economic Conditions and Migration Patterns in New England
NEPPC Working Paper 09-1, July 2009


New England Economic Indicators
Economic data for New England and its six states, including employment, unemployment, income, consumer prices, real estate, and exports data.

New England Economic Snapshot
A brief overview of recent economic conditions in the region.

Labor Market Trends in Massachusetts Regions
Detailed picture of current and future labor supply in Massachusetts regions, as well as information about labor demand in that region over the past decade.

Beige Book offsite
Published eight times per year, the Beige Book summarizes anecdotal information on current economic conditions in each Federal Reserve District gathered through reports from Bank directors and interviews with key business contacts, economists, market experts, and other sources.

Fiscal Facts
Published three times per year, Fiscal Facts provided analysis of revenue trends, spending patterns, and budget issues in the six New England states. Discontinued in 2005.

New England Economic Review
This scholarly journal examined regional, national, and international economic and public policy issues. Discontinued in 2004.


Profile of New England
The profile of New England includes key economic indicators for the region, a look at the demographic composition of the population, and a glimpse at government finances in the six states.

New England Public Policy Center
The New England Public Policy Center is dedicated to improving the quality of analysis on the economic and policy issues that affect the region.

New England Economic Adventure - offsite promotes an understanding of key economic concepts, including standard of living, economic growth, and rising labor productivity, using examples from New England's own unique history.


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