The Student Debt Dilemma:
History, Implications, and Potential Solutions

necag conferenceThe 8th Annual New England Consumer Advisory Group Conference
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
8:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston

For many people, the American Dream includes earning a college degree to enhance social mobility and provide economic security for themselves and their families. However, for many, student debt transforms that dream into a dream deferred. Student loan debt in the United States has surpassed that of credit cards and has become an escalating financial burden on students and families.

Join us at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston for the 8th Annual New England Consumer Advisory Group Forum to hear how this debt burden reached its startling level, how it affects the American household, and the potential solutions to address this growing crisis.

  • Registration
  • Agenda
  • About NECAG


Registration is free, but must be completed by November 7, 2012.

A government-issued photo ID is required to enter the building.

Preliminary Agenda

8:30 am

Continental Breakfast & Registration

9:00 -9:15  

Welcome & Opening Remarks

Jeffrey C. Fuhrer
Executive Vice President and Senior Policy Advisor
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston

9:15- 10:00

History &Trend Analysis  

Martin Lacdao
Associate Director
Graduate Program in Banking and Financial Law
Boston University


Carol S. Lewis
Financial Education and Regulation Consultant
C.S. Lewis Consulting

Sandy Baum
Senior Fellow
George Washington University Graduate School of Education and Human Development


Implications and Problems  

Dawn Hicks
Senior Community Affairs Analyst
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Lynne Medsker
Director of Guidance
Westwood High School  

Ruth J. Liberman
Vice President of Public Policy
Crittenton Women’s Union

11:25-11:40 Break  
11:40-1:00 pm

Potential Solutions 

William N. Lund
Maine Bureau of Consumer Credit Protection

Margaret M. Clancy
Director of College Savings Initiative and Director of Policy 
Washington University  

Rebecca L. Rose
Assistant Director of Financial Education
Syracuse University  

Tara Payne
Vice President of College Planning and Community Engagement
New Hampshire Higher Education Assistance Foundation


Luncheon Keynote

Karin Maloney Stifler
Certified Financial Planner
True Wealth Advisors

2:00 Adjourn


The New England Consumer Advisory Group (NECAG) consists of regulators, attorneys, bankers, academics, consumer advocates, and other financial industry professionals who meet periodically to identify and address emerging consumer financial protection issues.