NEPPC Research

The Center produces objective, high-quality research of an original or descriptive nature that addresses regional policy issues. In recent years, the Center has primarily investigated regional demographic and labor market trends and state and local public finance issues. In addition, the Center has analyzed regional housing affordability, current housing market challenges, and state health care reform initiatives.

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  • Regional Labor Markets
  • State and Local Public Finance
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When the Tide Goes Out: Unemployment Insurance Trust Funds and the Great Recession, Lessons for and from New England
by Jennifer Weiner
NEPPC Research Report 12-1

Are American Homeowners Locked into Their Houses? The Impact of Housing Market Conditions on State-to-State Migration
by Alicia Sasser Modestino and Julia Dennett
Research Department Working Paper 12-1

The Middle-Skills Gap: Ensuring an Adequate Supply of Skilled Labor in Northern and Southern New England
Julia Dennett and Alicia Sasser Modestino
NEPPC Policy Brief 11-1

Childhood Lead and Academic Performance in Massachusetts
by Jessica Reyes, Visiting Scholar from Amherst College
NEPPC Working Paper 11-3

Mismatch in the Labor Market: Measuring the Supply of and Demand for Skilled Labor in New England
by Alicia Sasser
NEPPC Research Report 10-2

Population Aging and State Pensions in New England
by Richard Woodbury, Visiting Scholar from NBER
NEPPC Research Report 10-1

Unaffordable Housing and Local Employment Growth
by Ritashree Chakrabarti, IHS Global Insight and Junfu Zhang, Visiting Scholar from Clark University
NEPPC Working Paper 10-3

Lasting Connections: Using Internships to Retain Recent College Graduates in New England
by Alicia Sasser
NEPPC Policy Brief 09-3

Retention of Recent College Graduates in New England
by Alicia Sasser
NEPPC Policy Brief 09-2

The Supply of Recent College Graduates in New England
by Alicia Sasser
NEPPC Policy Brief 09-1

Smart Places, Getting Smarter: Facts about the Young Professional Population in New England States
by Heather Brome
NEPPC Discussion Paper 09-1

Voting with their Feet? Local Economic Conditions and Migration Trends in New England
by Alicia Sasser
NEPPC Working Paper 09-1

A Portrait of New England's Immigrants
by Antoniya Owens
NEPPC Research Report 08-2

The Future of the Skilled Labor Force in New England: The Supply of Recent College Graduates
by Alicia Sasser
NEPPC Research Report 08-1

Employing the Region's Assets: Baby Boomers Meeting New England's Skilled Workforce Needs
by Heather Brome and Sandra Hackman
NEPPC Conference Report 08-1

Is New England Experiencing a "Brain Drain"? Facts about Demographic Change and Young Professionals
by Heather Brome
NEPPC Discussion Paper 07-3

The Potential Economic Impact of Increasing the Minimum Wage in New Hampshire
by Antoniya Owens
NEPPC Discussion Paper 07-2

The Labor Market for Direct Care Workers
by Reagan Baughman and Kristin Smith, University of New Hampshire
NEPPC Working Paper 07-4

The Potential Economic Impact of Increasing the Minimum Wage in Massachusetts
by Alicia Sasser
NEPPC Research Report 06-1

New England Migration Trends
by David Agrawal
NEPPC Discussion Paper 06-1

When the Tide Goes Out: Unemployment Insurance Trust Funds and the Great Recession, Lessons for and from New England
by Jennifer Weiner
Research Report 12-1

How Does New Hampshire Do It? An Analysis of Spending and Revenues in the Absence of a Broad-based Income or Sales Tax
by Jennifer Weiner
NEPPC Research Report 11-1

A More Equitable Approach to Cutting State Aid
by Bo Zhao with David Coyne
NEPPC Policy Brief 11-2

Designing Formulas for Distributing Reductions in State Aid
by Bo Zhao and David Coyne
NEPPC Working Paper 11-2

Municipal Aid Evaluation and Reform
by Bo Zhao
NEPPC Working Paper 11-1

Population Aging and State Pensions in New England
by Richard Woodbury
NEPPC Research Report 10-1

Reforming Municipal Aid in Massachusetts: The Case for a Gap-Based Formula
by Bo Zhao and David Coyne
NEPPC Policy Brief 10-2

Evaluating Business Tax Credits: Reading Between the Lines
by Jennifer Weiner
NEPPC Policy Brief 10-1

Does Springfield Receive Its Fair Share of Municipal Aid? Implications for Aid Formula Reform in Massachusetts
by Bo Zhao
NEPPC Working Paper 10-4

The Fiscal Impact of Potential Local Option Taxes in Massachusetts
by Bo Zhao
NEPPC Working Paper 10-2

Spatial Competition and Cross-border Shopping: Evidence from State Lotteries
by Brian Knight, Visiting Scholar from Brown University and Nathan Schiff, University of British Columbia
NEPPC Working Paper 10-1

Revenue Forecasting Processes in New England
by Yael Shavit
NEPPC Policy Brief 09-4

State Business Tax Incentives: Examining Evidence of their Effectiveness
by Jennifer Weiner
NEPPC Discussion Paper 09-3

The Struggle for Tax Reform in Maine, 2003-2009
by Richard Woodbury, Visiting Scholar from NBER
NEPPC Discussion Paper 09-2

Public-Private Partnerships, Cooperative Agreements, and the Production of Public Services in Small and Rural Municipalities
by Robert D. Mohr, Visiting Scholar from the University of New Hampshire, Steven Deller, University of Wisconsin-Madison, and John Halstead, University of New Hampshire
NEPPC Working Paper 08-4

Designing State Aid Formulas: The Case of a New Formula for Distributing Municipal Aid in Massachusetts
by Bo Zhao and Katharine Bradbury
NEPPC Working Paper 08-2

The Dynamic between Municipal Revenue Sources and the State-Local Relationship in New England
by Richard F. Dye, Scholar from Lake Forest College and University of Illinois
NEPPC Working Paper 08-1

GASB 45 and Other Post-Employment Benefit Promises: The Fog Is Clearing
by Steffanie Brady
NEPPC Policy Brief 07-7

Measuring Non-School Fiscal Imbalances of New England Municipalities
by Katharine Bradbury and Bo Zhao
NEPPC Policy Brief 07-6

The Fiscal Capacity of New England
by Matthew Nagowski
NEPPC Policy Brief 07-4

School Finance in Vermont: Balancing Equal Education and Fair Tax Burdens
by Darcy Rollins Saas
NEPPC Discussion Paper 07-1

Financing Municipalities in New England: Revisiting the State-Local Relationship
by Robert Clifford
NEPPC Conference Report 07-1

The Fiscal Impact of College Attainment
by Philip A. Trostel, Visiting Scholar from the University of Maine
NEPPC Working Paper 07-2

Reading the Fine Print: How Details Matter in Tax and Expenditure Limitations
by Heather Brome and Darcy Rollins Saas
NEPPC Research Report 06-3

Hollywood East? Film Tax Credits in New England
by Darcy Rollins Saas
NEPPC Policy Brief 06-3

New Hampshire's Quest for a Constitutionally Adequate Education
by Oyebola Olabisi
NEPPC Discussion Paper 06-2

Measuring Disparities in Non-School Costs and Revenue Capacity among Massachusetts Cities and Towns
by Katharine Bradbury and Bo Zhao
NEPPC Working Paper 06-3

Measuring Fiscal Disparities Across the U.S. States: A Representative Revenue System/Representative Expenditure System Approach, Fiscal Year 2002
by Yesim Yilmaz, Sonya Hoo, Matthew Nagowski, Kim Rueben, and Robert Tannenwald
NEPPC Working Paper 06-2

Are American Homeowners Locked into Their Houses? The Impact of Housing Market Conditions on State-to-State Migration
by Alicia Sasser Modestino and Julia Dennett
Research Department Working Paper 12-1

State Foreclosure Prevention Efforts: Mediation and Financial Assistance
by Robert Clifford
NEPPC Research Reports 11-3

The Housing Bust and Housing Affordability in New England
by Robert Clifford
NEPPC Discussion Paper 10-1

Unaffordable Housing and Local Employment Growth
by Ritashree Chakrabarti, IHS Global Insight and Junfu Zhang, Visiting Scholar from Clark University
NEPPC Working Paper 10-3

The Role of the Housing Market in the Migration Resoponse to Employment Shocks
by Jeffrey Zabel, Visiting Scholar from Tufts University
NEPPC Working Paper 09-2

Can Young Professionals Afford to Buy a Home in New England?
by Heather Brome
NEPPC Policy Brief 08-1

Crowded out of the Housing Market
by Darcy Rollins Saas with Alicia Sasser
NEPPC Policy Brief 07-2

The New England Rental Market
by Alicia Sasser
NEPPC Policy Brief 07-1

The Changing Housing Market: A Bang or a Whimper?
by Karl E. Case
NEPPC Policy Brief 06-4

An Overview of Chapters 40R and 40S: Massachusetts’ Newest Housing Policies
by Darcy Saas
NEPPC Policy Brief 06-1

The Lack of Affordable Housing in New England: How Big a Problem? Why Is It Growing? What Are We Doing About It?
by Alicia Sasser, Bo Zhao, and Darcy Rollins (with an overview by Robert Tannenwald)
NEPPC Working Paper 06-1



Reaching the Goal: Expanding Health Insurance Coverage in New England
by Alicia Sasser
NEPPC Research Report 07-1

Small Employers and Expanded Health Insurance Coverage
by Phil Primack
NEPPC Policy Brief 07-5

The Labor Market for Direct Care Workers
by Visiting Scholar Reagan Baughman and Kristin Smith, University of New Hampshire
NEPPC Working Paper 07-4

Who Are the Uninsured, and Why Are They Uninsured?
by Antoniya Owens
NEPPC Policy Brief 07-3

Covering the Uninsured: Costs, Benefits, and Policy Alternatives for New England
by Matthew Nagowski
NEPPC Conference Report 06-1

Nurse-to-Patient Ratios: Research and Reality
by Brad Hershbein
NEPPC Conference Report 05-1

Nurse-to-Patient Ratios
by Brad Hershbein
NEPPC Policy Brief 05-1

The Bank of North Dakota: A Model for Massachusetts and Other States?
by Yolanda K. Kodrzycki and Tal Elmatad
NEPPC Research Report 11-2

The Impact of Wetlands Rules on the Prices of Regulated and Proximate Houses: A Case Study
by Katherine A. Kiel, Visiting Scholar from the College of the Holy Cross
NEPPC Working Paper 07-3

Do Loans Increase College Access and Choice?
Examining the Introduction of Universal Student Loans

by Bridget Terry Long, Visiting Scholar from Harvard Graduate School of Education and NBER
NEPPC Working Paper 07-1

The Challenge of Energy Policy in New England
by Carrie Conaway
NEPPC Research Report 06-2

Ensuring Adequate Electrical Capacity in New England
by Carrie Conaway
NEPPC Policy Brief 06-2

Water, Water Everywhere: Dare I Drink a Drop?
by Robert Tannenwald and Nicholas Turner
NEPPC Research Report 05-1

Fueling the Future: Energy Policy in New England
by Antoniya Owens
NEPPC Conference Report 05-2

The New England-China Relationship in 2005
by Lynn E. Browne
NEPPC Working Paper 05-1

The Challenge of Energy Policy in New England
by Carrie Conaway
NEPPC Working Paper 05-1

Browse by Series

Research Report coverResearch Reports
Research reports accessibly and thoroughly cover policy issues relevant to New England.
Policy Briefs coverPolicy Briefs
Policy briefs present briefing materials prepared by NEPPC research staff on key policy issues.
Conference Reports coverConference Reports
Summaries, proceedings, and papers from NEPPC-sponsored conferences on economic and public policy topics.



NEPPC Working Papers coverWorking Papers
Working papers are statistical or technical research conducted by NEPPC economists and intended for publication in professional journals. In 2012, the Center's working paper series merged with the Research Department's working paper series.
Discussion paper coverDiscussion Papers
Discussion papers summarize or critically analyze policy issues or other analysts' work in non-technical language.
New England Economic Indicators coverNew England Economic Indicators
A quarterly publication reviewing economic data for the six New England states and the region as a whole.
Rapid Response Memos
In the past, the Center produced a number of informal memos for internal and external constituents. While this service is no longer provided, an archive of memos produced between 2005 and 2009 is available.




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