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Consumer Operated and Oriented Plan [CO-OP] Program

Department of Health and Human Services


The synopsis for this grant opportunity is detailed below, following this paragraph. This synopsis contains all of the updates to this document that have been posted as of 01/05/2012 . If updates have been made to the opportunity synopsis, update information is provided below the synopsis.

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Description of Modification

Updated Project Officer Information.

Document Type: Modification to Previous  Grants Notice
Funding Opportunity Number: OO-COO-11-001
Opportunity Category: Other
Posted Date: Jan 05, 2012
Creation Date: Sep 10, 2012
Original Closing Date for Applications: Dec 31, 2012    First-round loan applications will be due October 17, 2011 and subsequent applications will be accepted quarterly up to and including December 31, 2012 according to the following due dates: January 3, 2012, April 2, 2012, July 2, 2012, October 1, 2012 and December 31, 2012.
Current Closing Date for Applications: Dec 31, 2012    First-round loan applications will be due October 17, 2011 and subsequent applications will be accepted quarterly up to and including December 31, 2012 according to the following due dates: January 3, 2012, April 2, 2012, July 2, 2012, October 1, 2012 and December 31, 2012.
Archive Date: Jan 30, 2013
Funding Instrument Type: Other
Category of Funding Activity: Health
Category Explanation: The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Pub. L. No. 111-148, enacted on March 23, 2010, and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010, Pub. L. No. 111-152, enacted on March 30, 2010, are collectively referred to in this announcement as the “Affordable Care Act.” The Department of Defense and Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011, Pub. L. No. 112-10, which amended the Affordable Care Act, was enacted on April 15, 2011. Section 1322 of the Affordable Care Act created the Consumer Operated and Oriented Plan program (CO-OP program) to foster the creation of new consumer-governed, private, nonprofit health insurance issuers, known as “CO-OPs.” In addition to improving consumer choice and plan accountability, the CO-OP program also seeks to promote integrated models of care and enhance competition in the Affordable Insurance Exchanges established under sections 1311 and 1321 of the Affordable Care Act. The statute provides loans to capitalize eligible prospective CO-OPs with a goal of having at least one CO-OP in each State. The statute permits the funding of multiple CO-OPs in any State, provided that there is sufficient funding to capitalize at least one CO-OP in each State. The statute directs the Secretary to give priority to applicants that will offer CO-OP qualified health plans on a Statewide basis, will use integrated care models, and have significant private support.
Expected Number of Awards: 51
Estimated Total Program Funding:
Award Ceiling:
Award Floor:
CFDA Number(s): 93.545  --  Consumer Operated and Oriented Plan [CO-OP] Program
Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement: No

Eligible Applicants

Others (see text field entitled "Additional Information on Eligibility" for clarification)

Additional Information on Eligibility:

Please see page 21 of the full announcement for eligibility information.

Agency Name

CMS Consumer Operated and Oriented Plan Program


We estimate that 51 applicants will be awarded loans under the CO-OP program joint Start-up and Solvency Loans or only Solvency Loans because section 1322 of the Affordable Care Act envisions the creation of at least one viable CO-OP in every State and the District of Columbia. These numbers are estimates. The actual number of awards will vary according to the number of applications and the size of awards. The estimated number of awards reflects the statutory goal of the CO-OP program to establish a CO-OP in each State. It should be noted, however, that the statute allows CMS to fund more than one eligible prospective CO-OP qualified nonprofit health insurance issuer in any State if the funding is sufficient to do so. However, CMS is unlikely to fund CO-OPs that will directly compete with each other for the same target market if actuarial analysis indicates that these CO-OPs would be less likely to repay loans under those circumstances. If there is no applicant from a State, CMS may award loans to encourage the expansion of a eligible prospective CO-OP qualified nonprofit health insurance issuer from another State to that State or take other steps to encourage the development of a CO-OP in a State. Additionally, an applicant may apply for loans to establish a CO-OP in more than one State. For the purposes of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), a “State” means each of the 50 States and the District of Columbia. All awards (new and continuation) that are issued under this announcement are subject to the availability of funds as well as satisfactory progress. In the absence of funding, CMS is under no obligation to make awards under this announcement.

Link to Additional Information

If you have difficulty accessing the full announcement electronically, please contact:

Korisha Ramdhanie, Project Officer
Phone: 301.492.4435
Johanna Fabian-Marks
Phone: 301.492.4434

Synopsis Modification History

The following files represent the modifications to this synopsis with the changes noted within the documents. The list of files is arranged from newest to oldest with the newest file representing the current synopsis. Changed sections from the previous document are shown in a light grey background.

File Name Date
Modification #3 Jan 05, 2012
Modification #2 Jan 05, 2012
Modification #1 Jan 05, 2012
Original Synopsis Jan 05, 2012