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DLA Telework Program

Teleworking PeopleDLA has an active and well respected Telework Program that has been thriving since 2002. First and foremost, our telework emphasis is on mission. DLA's ability to sustain supply chain operations hinges on a workforce that is efficient, agile, and responsive despite unexpected events. The DLA Telework Program supports mission continuity by readying employees to continue the work of the Agency despite disruptions, whether caused by weather, pandemic, or other crises.

Telework Toolkit
FAQs Forms Required Training


Telework References and Resources
The links below include references that are important to the operation of our Telework Program.
Mandatory Training

Training is required prior to entering into a telework arrangement and is taken in the DLA Learning Management System (LMS) (CAC access only).
Search "DLA Telework" to add one of the following to your Learning Plan:

  • DLA Telework for Employees (required for employees before telework may begin)
  • DLA Telework for Supervisors (as of April 1, 2012, supervisors must have this specific course in order to approve telework)
Everything You Wanted to Know about Telework in DLA

Every day answers to every day questions about the DLA Telework Program are provided in this comprehensive guide. These questions and answers are intended to clarify details of the DLA Telework Program. They are not intended as a replacement or substitute for law, regulation, policy, or negotiated agreement

Download the entire set of questions and answers (FAQs)


Select the following links to view questions by specific topics

Telework Resources - Provides authorities governing telework. Additional links below offer other resources for prospective teleworkers and their supervisors

General Information - Defines telework, why it is encouraged, offsite telework locations, teleworking accommodations for persons with disabilities, and more.

Eligibility and Readiness - Covers position and employee eligibility and restrictions.

Telework Arrangement Process - Covers organizational arrangements management, telework requests and denials, the complete telework forms agreement package, and training.

Work Schedules in Telework Arrangements - Defines regular- recurring and situational telework arrangements, how often you are allowed to telework, supervisory controls, and leave, alternate work schedule, TDY, and earning overtime or credit hours information.

Seamless Communication - Provides information about the roles and responsibilities of the teleworker to maintain seamless team relations and presences with the onsite team. Suggested tools and techniques are also available.

Performance Management - Covers roles and responsibilities for performance management between the teleworker and the supervisor.

Weather and Unexpected Events - Includes what teleworkers need to know if there is inclement weather, the agency closes, guidance on unscheduled teleworking, and related subjects.

Timekeeping - Provides information for proper coding for telework, overtime, and travel information to and from the worksite on a split onsite/telework day.

Additional Training - Identifies online training opportunities and books through the DLA Learning Management System.

Additional Resources

A list of Activity Telework Coordinators
(CAC access required—under the heading "Useful Links")

Bulletins, Fact Sheets, and Newsletters
DLA Telework Eligibility Memorandum, 2011

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