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02 August 2010

USCIS Customer Service Enhancements

Starting this week, USCIS is launching four new online features to give you more accessibility to your case information. The new tools include:

  • Online Inquiry Tool for Select Forms: If your case is outside the posted processing times and you filed an Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card (Form I-90) or an Application for Naturalization (Form N-400), you can now submit an electronic inquiry directly to the appropriate Field Office or Service Center instead of calling the National Customer Service number or making an InfoPass appointment with the local office. Additionally, once the electronic inquiry is received, USCIS now commits to a 15-day customer response, reduced from the previous commitment to respond within 30 days. We may be expanding this program to include other applications and petitions in the future.
  • Specific Adjudication Steps by Form Type on My Case Status: Now when you check your case status online, the steps you see will be specific to your petition or application. Until recently, the website listed seven identical steps for all forms, even though not all the steps applied to all the forms. With the new feature, steps are customized for more than 40 form types.
  • E-mail Notification in Spanish: When you register to receive e-mail updates on your case status, you can now elect to receive messages in English or Spanish. Until now, all messages had been in English.
  • Change of Address Online in Spanish: You will now be able to submit a Change of Address Online in English or Spanish. Until now, the service had been provided only in English.
For more information visit our website.



At August 3, 2010 10:24:00 AM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its a step towards transparency, and I applaud your improvement but the ambiguity still exists. For instance we got RFE on Apr 2007 and we responded with required evidence on May 17th 2007, and the online status says "Request for Evidence Response Review", its been more than 2 years that we sent evidence and it is still in "Response Review" stage. I understand the volume but would not it be wise to give more info like "Evidence Reviewed, and all papers looks good and waiting for Visa Number and/or other processes" this way it will give the applicants a sigh of relief.

Hope going forward USCIS will take these in considerations.

At August 3, 2010 2:06:00 PM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Eb2-India had a significant Priority Date move until 2006, now USCIS should move EB3-India that is logical, people like us are here for past 11 years, stucked in EB3-India, Why we should all wait for Eb2-India to be current, right now Eb2-India have some relief let that relief come to EB3-India too. The next spill over should be for EB3-India, Please make the Priority Date move in the next bulletin to Year 2005 to EB-3 India, or else allow us who are here for 10 years to file EAD, dont toruture us enough is enough.

At August 4, 2010 10:26:00 AM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree with the previous comment. Does it make sense to hold to a position for more than 10 years just because your green card is getting delayed of no reason of yours. Pls. do something for EB3 applicants who are stuck for more than a decade. Or at the minimum provide a way to file EAD while the green card struggle continues. Most of our time and energy is spent in the green card struggle, and it is frustrating when there is no movement or progress at all.

Also, Pls. let us know if USCIC is planing on some policy change to give a relief to EB applicants - This will give a hope for us to get it going.

At August 4, 2010 8:01:00 PM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for these new changes and for continually striving to improve the online experience here at the USCIS website.

Please advise if there will be a tool to check the online status of a Service Request created, or even to create a SR? Right now, after an SR is created - one has to wait for a few days before a response is received by mail or by any other channel.

At August 4, 2010 11:22:00 PM EDT , Blogger Francisco said...

I filed a I-I30 to Chicago about a month ago with no reply as of yet. Can I submit the new electronic form for email notification or is it too late?

At August 5, 2010 10:15:00 AM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Need to know about Administrative Fix for EB-Immigrants What USCIS is planning to do for us, Dont consider us along with Illegal Immigrants, we are Legal and US tax payers as good as a citizen, never neglect us, USCIS have the moral responsibility to be transparent on EB-3 India and ROW category and we need an answer from you, and inform us as soon as possible, for the Fees you have got for our H1B extensions and the EAD extensions every one or two years. USCIS bloggers Please answer

At August 6, 2010 10:51:00 AM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please provide us a simple answer if you are looking into providing some relief to serverly backlogged EB3 categories? Atleast allow us to file for EAD if we have approved I-140's.

There is no point in holding approved I-140's for as long as 10 years for the priority dates to become current.

At August 9, 2010 10:36:00 AM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree. Pls. for god sake allow us to file for EAD if we have approved I-140, I'm in the situation where my spouse has to leave the country as he doesn't have an EAD - This is really frustrating :(. Pls. provide a relief for this.

At August 9, 2010 1:17:00 PM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Allowing applicants to submit the request to check case status online does help USCIS and applicants to some extent.

I think the source of applicants frustration is more towards the amount of time it takes for processing. Even if USCIS allows applicants to send the request online, It is not going to help if USCIS sends a standard response saying "we are still reviewing your application". From my experience with USCIS and reading articles online, it is clear that if you receive RFE then your case is going to be in the back burner and you hardly receive any decision. Applicants are left hanging for years and have to spent tons of money on greedy attorneys.

At August 9, 2010 2:40:00 PM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I noticed that whatever categories of blog USCIS has. Like comments on fee hike, comment on new design of green card, or up graded customer services all We see comments and cries of EB3 backlogged victims .
As they are the only one who are going and clicking on USCIS website to look for any good news of relief.
But to my surprise why USCIS is treating them as step childs , they are paying taxes maintaining H1B status, paying renewal fees , why USCIS people dont move their quotas OPENED from oct 2001 .

why this discrimination .Is it just for collecting so much renewal fees , ???? why so much hard time in their lives . OR what is the reason please update on you site. laws are made for humans and vice-versa.

At least tell your time frame to them that we will be giving them green card by this year , so that they can plan their future . either go back to their countries or apply for some other. Instead of checking USCIS websites daily and looking with hungry eyes for a relief news.

They are as much human, good citizens as EB2 or family based immigrants or those who get it in lotteries . They already paid the cost for it, earned it with their money, hard labor and patience.

But USCIS passes a deaf year to them WHY?



At August 9, 2010 5:07:00 PM EDT , Anonymous stuck in USCIS - DHS mess said...

Is there anyone accountable/Answerable for this messup ?

my friends with Later Priprity Date and Notice date are getting there green card approved in front of me and i am still hanging in dark that too when my case is been interviewed succesfully and pre-adjucated. it is still rotting in a local USCIS office and when i take an infopass appointment they tell me something will happen in 60 days so dont bother to inquire till then. i mean how tough is it to make a visa available to a pre-adjucated file ??

this is real example of unfairness and unjustice which are opposite to the real fundamentals of USA.

At August 9, 2010 8:29:00 PM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It still it boggles the mind how USCIS service centers lose papers. That is not customer service.

At August 10, 2010 9:31:00 AM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Today i have seen that USCIS made a change in Federal Register stating the dependents of Foreign Officials can apply for EAD's. Well this is good news for them.

But my question is why is that USCIS is not taking into consideration for granting EAD's to H1b dependents (who are on H4 visa's). They are highly educated and can contribute to the economy in the right way. I heard couple of times your replys to some of the comments abt this topic stating you are looking into this.

This is fair injustice. When dependets on L1 visa can work what is wrong with H1 visa dependents? Pls do not differentiate us.

Pls provide relief alteast in that way so that our spouses can work. (Pls do not suggested saying they can apply H1b's to work as we know how hard it is in this economy to get a visa sponsorship to work, as most of the employers simply reject your applications when we need visa sponsorship).

At August 10, 2010 5:54:00 PM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To "stuck in USCIS - DHS mess"

Why don't you send a letter to USCIS director with your details (case number etc.)? People at the top are always good. Give it a shot and see what happens!

At August 11, 2010 10:46:00 AM EDT , Anonymous Frustated backlog Victim said...

Im not sure if at all you or your team is paying attention to us. But, Pls. understand the frustation that we are going through. We keep talking abt broken immigration system - but can anyone take a step forward and fix this. Also, if you are in the process of fixing it - could you pls. be transparent to us. We will highly appriciate if you could just respond to us and let us know your thougts - that way we know someone is listening to us.

- EB3 applicant, who is losing hope and plan to return to home country - if thats what you want to happen - then it will happen soon.

At August 11, 2010 12:24:00 PM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please help EB3 India, which is severally backlogged to 1/1/2002. What is our crime?
Is it because:
1. We follow rules
2. We pay taxes and contribute to Social Security
3. We do not cause law and order problems
4. We do not break laws
5. We do not create headaches for administration
6. We are not a burden on US citizens for welfare and healthcare

Please give us relief and clear the EB3 India backlog.

At August 11, 2010 1:53:00 PM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To "Why don't you send a letter to USCIS director"

Thanks for your suggestion. that is one thing i didnt do but you know i have contacted congresswoman, Ombudsman, talked 100 times to IOs at customer service and Infopass. everyone just throws time on me. some says 60 days some says 90 days. my mind fails to understand that at a time of my interview the Officer was ready to give me a visa number in 15 minutes. Unfortunately i was not current that time then how in the hell the same process of giving me a visa number is going to take 60 days minimum?? is this justice ??

i dont know who you are may be you ara a visitor or a USCIS personal but thanks for the info. let me try this approach also to contact USCIS director. there is no harm in it.

thanks brother/sister whoever you are. atleast you cared to reply in this cunning world where everyone is only looking for themselves. God Bless You - from my heart !!!

At August 11, 2010 3:58:00 PM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope the USCIS Director is reading and fully understands our comments and frustrations on this blog. I will suggest that we all write (an actual physical letter) to the Director directly. I am sure tens of thousands of letters will have to make some impact,at least the volume of them will speak.

At August 11, 2010 4:43:00 PM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

GC and H1B processing is as DARK as a Blackhole
Need to know about Administrative Fix for EB-Immigrants What USCIS is planning to do for us, Dont consider us along with Illegal Immigrants, we are Legal and US tax payers as good as a citizen, never neglect us, USCIS have the moral responsibility to be transparent on EB-3 India and ROW category and we need an answer from you, and inform us as soon as possible, for the Fees you have got for our H1B extensions and the EAD extensions every one or two years.

At August 11, 2010 4:55:00 PM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I request the USCIS Director to do something for the EB3-I to get a relief from the bi-cycle ride to the Mars.

At August 12, 2010 12:54:00 AM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

EB visa is not getting much attention because you guys dont have much vote bank and dont cause much problem to society or administration. Look at all election speeches from law makers and senators .. they are bothered only about illegals ...seems like they dont need EB people to help this country.

At August 12, 2010 10:20:00 AM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello USCIS blog team

I posted a request to explain my case to USCIS Director and also to DOS. But my requested was not posted on this blog web site.

I have been here is US since almost 11 years on student visa and then H-1B. i have approved I-140 EB-2 India Priority date in Feb 2008.
It seems like it will be a while before my PD becomes current to file for AOS. Meanwhile i am required to maintain H-1B. My employment with my current employer is ending soon and i have tried to find other job but no one is ready to sponsor H-1B and help me with my Green Card process.
I have a house which has upside down mortgage and my family is dependent on me. I cannot sell the house to go back to home country so if i do not find someone to again sponsor me than I will have to default on house and go back.
What can i do in this situation? Is there any hope that USCIS might allow us to file for EAD? i want to work and keep my house, there are employers who offered me a job but with all the legal issues of H-1B and GC process, they all backed off.
On one end USCIS is hiking fees and there are more proposals in congress to again increase the fees for H-1Bs as part of boarder security bill. How much more burden you can put on us?

Please respond and take some action to help your customers

Thank You.

At August 12, 2010 11:16:00 AM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the leaked USCIS memo, it states that there is no backlog in EB category and can accommodate premium process of other area's in GC. How could you guys behave like this? EB3 India is almost 10 years behind and EB2 is 4 years behind? Please be fair enough to your customers. Or is this just to get more money in extending premium and keep EB3 always in dark side?

At August 12, 2010 1:29:00 PM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are talking about customer service.

Do you have any process when an immigration officer is too rude to talk to. he/she doesnt tell there badge number ? what should the caller do then ?

you may be laughing that you deserve this .. what can you do about it ?? hope from USCIS/DHS is useless.

At August 12, 2010 2:37:00 PM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

how can i get email of USCIS Director ??

Please respond how can i contact him

At August 12, 2010 5:04:00 PM EDT , Anonymous Uscis - A joke !!! said...

Why am i not surprised at USCIS ineffcieny. I made an enquiry through my congresswoman and they got the response that my PD is Feb 2007 and there are no VISA's available where as my I40 approval notice and PERM laber certification approval shows as Feb 16th 2006.

Stopped by again at the congreswoman office with my I140 approval notice that shows my PD as Feb 16th 2006 (EB2).

Second instance where USCIS has some knuckle heads looking at cases is when i field a SR on July12th about my I485 to which i got a response that they cannot find my approved I140 in their system and told me to call back with the receipt number. Now when i call back they refused to take my receipt number as its not been 30 days of my SR and in order for them to take my receipt number they need to open another case and can do it only after 30 days.

Absolutely no accountability! I have mailed Ombudsman with all the replies i got from USCIS and hoping that my case is adjudicated properly.

At August 12, 2010 5:38:00 PM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Uscis Director Sir,
Please find a way to solve the EB3-I backlogs.If you have the will then definitely, there would be a way to do this.
Certainly this is not the way to punish the people who follow or play by the rules.


At August 13, 2010 9:38:00 AM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...


We would appreciate if you could respond to us. We would just like to know your plans/views on backlog EB3/EB2 applicants.

If our comments/views/feedback are ignored, then we will atleast know how ignorant we are.

At August 13, 2010 3:13:00 PM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Director or anyone in USCIS/DHS,

what answers you have for the following ?

Question:-> A person whose 485 interview is all succesfull and his priority dates are current. He is only waiting for a visa number which is there still his case is pending forever where as people getting there 485 - approved left and right who have priority dates after this person and they are in the same category. On top of that very few of them are even not current but they are still getting 485 approvals.

who should be held accountable to this ?

At August 13, 2010 6:50:00 PM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor People,

follow rules, work hard and increase your BP,Diabeties and what not while fighting this mess.

great productivity of life where years are gone just fighting this silly process.

GOD Bless USCIS !!!! the great Organization.

At August 15, 2010 12:35:00 AM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello USCIS,

1. When checked case status, Please provide electronic copies of notice of actions, RFE's etc copies in PDF/HTML format for the beneficiary to be able to view, download them AFTER LOG IN TO MY ACCOUNT. Adding this feature would be very useful for the beneficiary even if on travel, visiting home, away from postal mail etc, Beneficiary would be able to respond if required quickly.

2.Check My Case Status allowing to enter receipt number with out log in to beneficiary own account.

Allowing this could be a back door to the people to enter receipt random numbers. This shouldn't be allowed.

At August 16, 2010 11:49:00 AM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have straight forward question on practise and procedure that fallowed for I 140 Recent approval trends:According my recent observation the applicants who under EB1C category had fully discriminated who filed May 2010 I.E before lockbox implemenation, So those application who send hard copies manually were made to wait for 4 months mean while those with less category who did their filing eloctronically(automatic)
through the lockbox were getting their I140 is 3 days to weeks so which is not unified, I dont no how some applicents were made to wait,So its so weared ? Is thats the way uscis will follow the procedure of adjudication. its not unified rule procedure henceforth the office has requested to follow a unique procedure to all the applicant who were in pending que.

At August 16, 2010 12:48:00 PM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello USCIS,

In certain cases, the application status is not uptodate on the Case Tracket Status. Is there a process by which we can send a request to make sure the records are correctly updated?

E.g. In some case, the lawyers of the applicant has received the approval notice on an I-140 application but the status on the case still shows it is currently in review.

It would be good to see if USCIS can bring up a process in place to rectify the status on such applications so that the case status tracker is more reliable for the eaegerly awaiting applicants.


At August 16, 2010 3:15:00 PM EDT , Anonymous pacotes turisticos said...

These alterations is very important I hope to continue forever.

At August 16, 2010 3:59:00 PM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...


applied EAD and its 90 days now. opened Expedite SR but it says we will hear something in 45 days.

Customer service representative not willing to give Interim EAD. what should i do now ? only have EAD to work and i am supporting a family. i will be jobless next week if EAD doesnt come ?

why USCIS creating such an atrocity ?

At August 16, 2010 7:28:00 PM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the comments from EB3-I are compltely misdirected.

if you want to alleviate your situation than campaign for higher total EB limits or visa recapture, none of which USCIS can influence.

If you want to complain to USCIS, then do so about the lack of transparency about the number and composition of EB I-485 cases at District Offices.

Please don't start complaining about per Country limits either. They are there to stop a few Countries taking all the visas.

Without them, just 4 Countries would probably consume 80% of the visas in EB3 a year.

If too many people come from a Country and apply in the same category, there are going to be queues.

Certainly, anyone applying after 2004 has been aware it is going to be an extremely long wait in EB3.

Everyone acts as if there isn't a choice. There is.

Either lobby people who can make a difference, accept the wait or decide the American Dream is over.

I certainly agree that the issue of non-immigrant spouses in H and O visa classifications being granted Employment Authorization is an urgent issue to be given consideration, but even this may be beyond USCIS powers alone.

In the meantime, all the sob stories in the world aren't going to make any difference whatsoever.

I do feel for those in EB3, but much of the problem is of their own making.

Harsh, but true.

At August 17, 2010 6:50:00 PM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the person who thinks EB3 people made up their own problems -

1) Who said USCIS can't influence visa recapture??? All it needs is an admin fix from USCIS, nothing else.

2) Every EB3 applicant is aware of the very long wait in absence of some legislative action from congress. But USCIS can definitely make the wait more tolerable by making changes like - EAD and AP to all approved I140 candidates. Also, the wait time should be somewhat predictable and reasonable.

At August 18, 2010 3:15:00 PM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the person who said:

"1) Who said USCIS can't influence visa recapture??? All it needs is an admin fix from USCIS, nothing else."

The unused visas are already redistributed according to the Law. Unused EB visas go to FB in the next fiscal year and vice versa.

The INA 201(c)(3)(C)for the FB calculation states that:

"(C) The number computed under this paragraph for a subsequent fiscal year is the difference (if any) between the maximum number of visas which may be issued under section 203(b) (relating to employment-based immigrants) during the previous fiscal year and the number of visas issued under that section during that year."

The opposite situation is covered for calculating the EB allocation under INA 201(d)(2)(C):

"(C) The number computed under this paragraph for a subsequent fiscal year is the difference (if any) between the maximum number of visas which may be issued under section 203(a) (relating to family-sponsored immigrants) during the previous fiscal year and the number of visas issued under that section during that year."

That is what has happened and is beyond an administrative fix by USCIS.

As with previous successful visa recapture, it has to be part of a Bill that is passed by both Houses.

At August 18, 2010 3:44:00 PM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The harsh and true reality is that this country is going in wrong direction on path of being bankrupt. There are houses but there is no one to buy them, there are cars but no one to drive, I guess no matter how much the Americans hate immigrants, they need immigrants, especially well educated and innovative minds. What USCIS is doing to EB-2 and EB-3 candidates is against human rights.
I read comments that some are losing their house; some are forced to work like slaves just because their priority date is not current. Try to understand need of the time; there is a need for people who can consume the excess products in this country. immigrants, if treated fairly and not left in long wait can buy new houses or at-least can hang on to their houses and cars rather than defaulting on them.
Today it seems like that EB-2/EB-3 candidates are in miserable condition, but that time is not too far when USA will regret this behavior. It will be too late at that time.

God bless USA and all the immigrants who love this country

At August 18, 2010 8:31:00 PM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you people realize how MANY of you there are? Do you realize that your applications are filled out incorrectly, lack MAJOR evidence, and that many of you file when you are anything BUT eligible?? Do you realize that you are so wrapped up in what you "think" this process should be that you don't even consider the facts? You get on here and talk about EB categories under every single blog posting their is. If you hate the timeframes, STOP FILING. Stop calling the customer service number just to complain about how long you are waiting. Wait, or LEAVE. If you do call, LISTEN and respect what you are told. GOOD GRIEF.

At August 19, 2010 7:31:00 AM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

From what I learned was, before PERM introduction (year 2005), USCIS used to accept to file AOS (485) if 140 is approved without waiting for the visa numbers to be current. But, at that time, it was not passed by congress to change the process, it was mere admin fix by USCIS. No reason was provided for changing the process.

USCIS did more chaos by changing the process in 2005.

Mr. Director, can you please revise them back and provide temporary relief for EB3 folks?

At August 19, 2010 10:16:00 AM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

My response to blogger who said above- “Do you people realize how MANY of you there are?"

Though you did not publish your profile it is easy to say that you are one of them who hate us. But let me tell you that because of us you have a job. It is easy for you to say that stop filing and leave, try to be in our position and we will see if you can survive for even one year.
If you do not want to listen our complains than stop this blog and shut down your customer service department, it is good for nothing anyway.

At August 20, 2010 2:36:00 PM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the blogger asking to "Wait, or LEAVE"...well, I agree with you that posting about EB categories in irrelevant postings is irritating, but you surely do not understand the frustrations of going through a system that is/was neither transparent nor effective.

For some one who has waited for almost a decade & still seeing no end at the end of the tunnel, what do you suggest one should do? Wait longer, leave? Well, that would have been a wise choice back in 2000/2001, but then there was no way to know how bad it was back then.

Even today, the online case status & customer service is a joke. How about looking at your own inefficiencies & improving them? I think it will be only prudent to listen to your "customers".

At August 22, 2010 9:34:00 AM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

EB3 queue will be further worsened with lots of India based off-shoring firms affected by H1/L1 visa fee increase planning to apply new EB2 and EB1 visa petitions in a big way….They have already started an elaborate process to compile employee list to do this next 2-3 months. They are using this as a promise for new recruitment of employees as well.

At August 22, 2010 10:33:00 AM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's sad to see all the frustration being vented on waiting for PD dates to move forward, but sadly USCIS has no control over the visa availability for each country (most of the comments are people from the oversubscribed countries), unfortunately congress should take this issue.
Sadly though what is troubling is the deterioation of services that are already promised by the USCIS. Take my case for example, applied for EAD renewal (3rd time) more than 90days earlier at NSC. It's more than 100 days (received date is May14)and is still in "initial review" meanwhile my current EAD expired, I'm on unpaid "vacation" struggling to pay my bills compunding my problems my mortage will be due and I am not sure if I can afford my home anymore. If this goes on for a couple more weeks, I have no choice but to foreclose my home. Talk about unemployment, USCIS redtape is responsible for my financial ruin. Worse when u try to expedite the process I received a stock email asking me to wait for another 30days (I also discovered that 95% of expedite requests for EAD renewal get this email)...I've been here in the US for 10years...I dont know what they want to know about me...they know everybit of information about me but still the red tape takes a long time...The American dream is sure turning into a nightmare...well what can I say I am the slave and they (USCIS officers) are the masters. I know my file is lying on some USCIS officers desk, and I dont think he cares about me losing my job or my home...all I can do is to pray for him to do his job...let me go on with my life...get my EAD approved...I have done nothing wrong!

At August 23, 2010 11:29:00 AM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have filed my I-485 before my marriage and I need to be on H1-B VISA to maintain my spouse's H4 Status.

Couple of weeks back there was a USCIS memo mentioning "The agency could also consider extending employment authorization to the dependent spouses of certain skilled workers. For example, USCIS sould allow employment authorization for H-4 dependent spouses of H-1B principals where the principals are also applied for lawful permanent residence and have extended their non-immigrant status under the provisions of AC21"

Please let me know if there are any updates.

At August 24, 2010 2:40:00 PM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I try to complete the I-90 form to renew my green card. Could someone tell me what the 'Class of admission' is and what should be the 'date of admission'?

At August 24, 2010 3:07:00 PM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...


You are credible only if you make all the I-140 approved cases to apply I-485, as soon as possible and issue EAD/AP, lot of people are waiting in the USA because of this. And you are not keen to give H1B extension to people who work and live here legally, even though they paid taxes for the past 10 to 14 years as Good as citizens. Please allow all I-140 approved cases to do Adjustment of STatus. You take law on your hands and play with the life of 1 million Legal immigrants. that is real ridiculous thing.

At August 24, 2010 3:17:00 PM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Uscis,

No idea why uscis is issuing too many RFEs for the H1Bs and finally rejecting H1B visas.

Nice game plan!! Keep up the good work, a way to eliminate EB GC backlogs.

Please don't forget that you are dealing with human beings.

Now and then issue memos to reject H1Bs and why not issue memos to clean up the EB GC backlog mess.What is preventing you from not doing good things.

There are millions of learned and highly qualified people are watching your game.Please don't forget that!!

GOd belss you all!!!!

At August 27, 2010 8:04:00 PM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is to thank my EB3-I colleagues for voicing out here. Hope it will not be in vain

At August 29, 2010 12:41:00 AM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can someone tell me if one with a pending I-485 can change a job? Secondly, what is the meaning of AC21 and who is entitled to use it. Need help please.

At August 30, 2010 8:01:00 AM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can someone tell me what exactly AC21 means and when it can be applied? I have an pending I-485 and I have an offer of a job that is way ahead of the one from the employer who filed for me. The employer has no problem with my moving. Can I go for the new job and transfer my I-485? Help please.

At August 30, 2010 2:53:00 PM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

USCIS is doing a great job with proper scrutiny of H1-Bs and L1s. All these days it was a free ride and companies made the best use of various legal loop holes.

Even clients have stopped giving invite letters for many of the frivolous cases...where companies want to just keep the H1-B processed without proper demand / justification.

Some companies are trying out by issuing their own invite / visa support letters. USCIS should scrutinize these closely. 90% of the h1-b work on a staff augmentation model providing low cost temp labor workforce…which is primarily against the true spirit of H1-B

At September 3, 2010 1:07:00 AM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can someone with an approved I-360 who has filed for adjustment of status (I-485) still be eligible to use AC21? I am on this status and my 485 has been pending for more than nine months. I have a better job offer and need to move for some private reasons. What do I do?

At September 3, 2010 2:45:00 PM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I passed civic test on my Naturalization interview and since my date of birth was incorrect on application, I informed USCIS about it and they acknowledged it by E mail but at the time of interview I was told that my back ground check need to be done long does it take for them to revert back in such case ?

At September 4, 2010 2:21:00 PM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have a case pending at USCIS for over decade, my kids grow up in this country, now they are both in college and that is very costly because we never get a green-card. We always paid taxes like citizens, never used any benefit from the government.My question is: Is it worth it to pay college for kids who may not going to be able to work in this country?

At September 9, 2010 2:06:00 PM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

USCIS, I need your help desperately.. After applying for a job like for 6 months, I finally got a job. But, the main problem, I do not have my EAD card. It is still in initial review. Why I cant work, if I dont have EAD card? It has already passed the scheduled OPT srart date. If I dont get it in a week or so, I am gonna loose the job.. Plz, help me...

At September 15, 2010 9:41:00 AM EDT , Anonymous МДФ said...

I do feel for those in EB3, but much of the problem is of their own making.

At September 19, 2010 2:16:00 PM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do you people spend so much time and money submitting forms for benefits that allow you to live and work in a country you hate so much about? You should be grateful you are even given an opportunity to apply for a benefit that would allow you to live and work in this beautiful country of ours.

At September 20, 2010 10:10:00 AM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who said we hated the country? We hate the immigration process.

At September 21, 2010 5:29:00 PM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Why do you people spend so much time and money submitting forms for benefits that allow you to live and work in a country you hate so much about?"

- Really? Do you know of a saying "Justice delayed is justice denied!" Probably not. It is the immigration process smarty! We love the country. Why else would anyone spend so much money & time as you said in your own words?

At September 26, 2010 3:23:00 PM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

EB3 to EB2 Ponzi Scheme
Just as SEC was incompetent to act on and prevent ponzi schemes of Madoff and Sanford, USCIS and DOL are not competent to prevent the new EB3 to EB2 porting scheme. The Scheme operates in a simple manner and results in people without needed educational qualifications or the experience to be in EB2 to get greencard faster just by spending money. It helps USCIS because it helps them show better statistics of having approved more applications. Attorneys are happy because they can get a lot of money for porting. But students who actually studied and worked hard, for their MS and PhD degrees stand in line forever. Some well known ways of how this scheme operates are mentioned below:
1. Many new labor applications for EB2 are for the very same positions that the EB3 workers are already working for. Only thing is the new job postings ON PAPER require 5 years of experience in lieu of Master's degrees so that the existing applicant or consultant is again hired for the same position but is not eligible for EB2. THE SAME CLIENT, SAME JOB, SAME COMPANY, THE SAME PAY IN REALITY (THOUGH ON PAPER IT SHOWS HIGHER PAY), but the job is for an EB2 worker. DOL and USCIS believe this BS for reasons better known to them.
2. EB3 applicants obtain life experience master's degrees to get a new job position posting to apply under EB2. Body shopping companies which are willing to post and apply for labor for a fee, are all too willing to do this because the fee they get can range from 10 to 15K and is dealt with in cash to circumvent paperwork and taxes.
3. To show higher wages, that an EB2 position requires, many of these consulting companies show higher wages only on paycheck, and get cash back. This helps them save on taxes, and enables them to pocket more commissions from the consultants.
4. In some circumstances, spouses of EB3 workers work as an office aid without pay, in the offices of consulting companies, to compensate for the extra pay that the consulting companies show on the paycheck to their spouses.
Because of this ponzi scheme, people who are actually studying and working hard for their MS and PhD degrees stand in the line forever to even apply for 485 adjustment of status while people without qualifications and with fraudulent means get ahead of the line.

At September 29, 2010 10:51:00 AM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am trying to get my papers the right way since i got married all the tell me is that i have to go back home for 10 years after taking my money everytime i tried to get my papers the right way i spend over 5 thousand dollars gaving the uscis an still have to go back home please do something about this i am very frustrated i cannot go back both my parent have died since i leave i have no place to live if i go back i am married and have a son who is a u.s citizen and so is my wife can you do anything about this i have paid all my fines and everything i am just looking to better my self

At September 29, 2010 10:05:00 PM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

why does I-130(us citizen filing for unmarried above 20) application take years to get processed..why can't they increase man-power if they there are too many applicants.why do some offices have just 2 months processing time while others have 3-6years?

At September 30, 2010 9:46:00 AM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am one of the EB3 victim i recently applied for EAD renewal and paid $680 for me and my wife same day in one envelope , our receipt notices have same day and My wifes serial number is one number ahead of me.

I already got ead card and her is still showing on web site same old message ,its is now 70 days. she need it badly as she is working for big company and they put her on vaccation as she cannot work which means no pay for as long she gets her EAD renewed .

What a shame full process USCIS has in one family one sequence and one processing center . Now I am loosing Family income of around approx$ 2000 per month plus I paid $680 for renewal. Look!!!!!!!! what a loss . and I am waiting for 10 years in this country on renewing H1 and all others renewal fees.

USCIS ?????????????????????????? good Job

At October 3, 2010 5:50:00 PM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Respectfully sir, methinks if you are in the country with an approved I-130/I-140 you should be able to apply for and obtain at least an EAD ASAP. Whadya say Mr. Director?

At October 5, 2010 12:26:00 PM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did my citizenship interview a year ago, and submitted RFE right away but I am still waiting for the decision. I submitted inquiry (by phone and online) but got the same letter. Online status still shows that I am scheduled for an interview (which was done a year ago). No point of adding all these features online if it is not going to be updated.

At October 5, 2010 8:01:00 PM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear USCIS director please do some thing for EB3 waiting list. USA spend so much money in for of help , Aid and medical help to so many countries around the world and to the extent it went on war in Iraq and Afganistan to fight against terror to help local people there and spending billions of dollors.
But what happening in homeland people are in so much in pain and restless because of this broken immigration process.
It is against humanity . That people like me suffering and living their lives in uncertainity in respect to their Green card application and waiting for more than decade.People like me are made to pay all these renewal fees to maintain legal status till they get their greencard. Is'nt it Iroinical
On one hand USA in front of whole world posing a generous country and other hand in their on home land people have to go through such pain full process of green card over a period of 10 years and more .
My wife is in this country for 14 years and me 11 years. Paying Taxes , attorney's fees and USCIS renewal fees ETC.
your website dont even tell a approximate time frame when people like us will be getting Green card
look like we are slave as there is no one to ask question and make appeal.
And if we call we get letter saying application pending till availability of visa in this category .

Please make some policy to help people like us I am sure it will not affect country like USA which has enormous resources financially .And has people with big hearts .
PLEASE CLEAR EB3 BACKLOG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At October 7, 2010 1:05:00 PM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please clear EB3 back log.I am waiting for more than 10 years for my green card.We are law abiding residents.Once we get green card ,many in line, in USA will be buying houses and spent more money.Should consider that we were paying taxes for all these 10 years .After all now , after these many year wait..finally if you reject the green card? Imagine, these many green card applicants for EB3 , waiting in line for more than 10 years getting green carD.It will help USA and also America needs more younger population since american population is getting more aged.Please clear the back log and reduce the wait time.This is America.Number One Country in the whole world and I wish America to remain in that place for ever.So support legal immigration and make it more efficient.

At October 8, 2010 1:33:00 PM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why does a notice for a biometrics appointment not appear as such on the USCIS case status but instead is listed as an RFE? This is very misleading.

At October 16, 2010 2:30:00 AM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should consider and be aware that USCIS does not have say over the EB2 and EB3 visa numbers. Its a law, with the Department of State. There is a certain number of visas issued per fiscal year, This helps with the population. More people that apply, the loner it takes, its a fair and a simple process. Be happy that our government allows you to stay here while you wait for the AOS. You should take into respect that it could be several of years.

At November 22, 2010 8:24:00 AM EST , Anonymous Trains O Scale said...

Once we get green card ,many in line, in USA will be buying houses and spent more money. I liked your blog it’s very interesting, your information had helped me very much, Please keep on posting the related information regarding this Article.

At December 5, 2010 5:35:00 PM EST , Anonymous MortgagesByMark said...

I have a friend that waited forever for a green card. Seems to me if we can go to the moon, we should be able to figure out how to make the process move a little faster.

At January 17, 2011 6:50:00 PM EST , Anonymous Home Loan said...

I think allowing individuals to make electronic inquiries in regards to the status in their paperwork is definitely a step in the right direction and a lot more convenient than waiting in line for an hour in the hopes of getting someone on the line.

At March 17, 2011 3:20:00 AM EDT , Anonymous Andre Fredrickson said...

It is nice to know that USCIS offers a variety of resources for our customers, the organizations that serve them and the public . Hope they can live by the rules and advocacy.

At April 4, 2011 2:54:00 AM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a professional who moved here from Canada, I don't understand how people who drive taxis and operate taco stands can get green cards. I asked my taxi driver the other day if he had one, and he said he just moved here and applied for one. Meanwhile, I have to jump through all these hoops with my employer, prove that I make the prevailing wage and have a degree. What's the catch? How are all these people in low-paying unstable jobs getting green cards??

At July 7, 2011 10:22:00 AM EDT , Anonymous Fort Walton Beach Accident Attorney said...

Thank you for providing this service. We have clients that we will refer to it.

At July 7, 2011 10:37:00 AM EDT , Anonymous Coral Springs Dentist said...

I know people are continuously frustrated with the immigration issues and your agency, but we understand how helpful you have proven to a number of our patients and employees in south Florida. Service overall could improve, but we recognize your challenges.

At December 16, 2011 2:15:00 PM EST , Anonymous Anonymous said...

In a Ideal Scenario, EB-3 should be processed before EB2 because of the following reasons :

1.All those people who are waiting in EB3 line would have had more than 10 years of experience by now and would qualify better than EB-2 folks. Its the law or the process that prevented people from applying in EB2 in the first place. As you did not have 5 years of experience when the GC was filed or did not have masters. nice !!

2. Its the Loyalty and stickiness to a company that is preventing you from getting a GC. If you would have been shifting Jobs, I'm sure most of you who are waiting in EB3 line would have qualified.

3. I know many people who change jobs just for the sake of getting qualifies to Eb2 and finally file for a GC in EB2 will all crap experiences.

God Bless.. !!! the process. It resonates to the vision where poor people get more poorer and rich get richer.

If you in EB3 and your priority date is greater than 2007, wake up!! here is tip. If you go back to your home country and come back in year and then apply for EB2 you will have GC much ealier then standing in line :-)

Yet!! USICS does not do anything


At December 21, 2011 10:52:00 AM EST , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is sad situation. People in EB3 with MS from US doing the same job as the ones with EB2 applied at the same time has to see 2009 as current for EB2 and Aug 8th 2002 for EB3 just because we applied in that catogery?

I thought this country is about equality and equal opportunity. I guess we are just dumb chasing a carrot on a stick - hopeless situation.

At January 31, 2012 7:08:00 AM EST , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a copy of a letter I sent to the US Embassy in London today....

I write with reference to the above case number filed with USCIS in late September 2011. I am extremely disappointed to have heard no news regarding my I-129(f) visa application in over 4 months of waiting. Furthermore, reading some of the blog posts on the US Department of State site regarding Visa processing times gives me little if any hope or confidence in any swift action occurring soon.

I have travelled to and from the United States without problem 4 times in the last 2 years, and only had issues on my last (5th) visit. The officer at the border advised me that I was not behaving as a tourist while travelling on a tourist Visa despite no advice of this on my previous 4 visits. He informed me (and I believe therefore posted information on my file stating) that due to this behaviour, I would not be allowed to visit the United States on a tourist Visa again in the short term.

My fiancée (a US Citizen) and I met on the internet in November 2009. We had a baby girl in the United States on 30 March 2011, the first child for us both. Due to divorce proceedings in the UK, I was unable to file my I-129(f) until late September 2011, and at that time hoped that I would be able to travel on this Visa by Christmas. Upon review of the USCIS ‘processing times’ it appears that the Customer Service Centre ‘aims’ to process the received applications there within a targeted 5 month period. Again this was disappointing news. Now I find that upon reading the blogs posted on the USCIS site indicates that once the CSC has approved the application, there could be a further delay of several months before an ‘interview’ can take place.

All of these delays is harming my family, its development and its finances. We are not being allowed to live as a family unit and we are incurring unnecessary costs in child-minding, and due to my uncertain status, I am unable to find work in the UK. My fiancée and child do not have US passports, and she is working, therefore travel outside of the US for them is difficult, over-bureaucratic and costly.

I find all of this bureaucracy totally contrary to the stated aims on the US Department of States web page, which refers to promoting family values and harmony and also contrary to the stated aim of ‘promoting flexible and sound immigration policies and programs’. Due to my position and the approaching 1st birthday of my only child, would it be possible for you to demonstrate this flexibility and grant me either a temporary travel Visa, or allow me to travel on a tourist Visa for a short stay, while the processing of my I-129(f) continues?

Alternatively if this is not possible, would it be possible for you to request that my application is dealt with as a matter of priority due to my family circumstances.

At February 16, 2012 6:34:00 PM EST , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why are the people who filled under EB3 India after 2007 being tortured for so many years? Especially their spouses who do not have the basic right to work or earn their living. Even after being qualified for so many jobs, they are denied the basic right to work. How can the laws of a state take away the right to work and live from someone? Why are H4's being targeted to such a dependent life? It is just inhuman that the people who come into this country legally are barred of the right to work and contribute to their families and the country as well. They could be valuable resource but are forced to sit at home.
Enough is enough.

At May 24, 2012 8:53:00 AM EDT , Anonymous Sunny said...

If we say customer service, it must be total customer care. What happens here is there are discrepancies observed.

Hopefully these new features will correct it because I too want to check my status.


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