
2012 Economic Policy Symposium

The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City hosts more than 100 central bankers, policymakers, academics and economists from around the world at its annual economic policy symposium Aug. 30 - Sept. 1 in Jackson Hole, Wy.

Speakers include Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, Bank for International Settlements General Manager Jaime Caruana, Kansas City Fed President Esther George, as well as professors and central bank governors.

Materials for this year's symposium, during which participants discuss economic issues, implications and policy options, will be posted as they are available. Times listed on the agenda are Mountain Standard Time.

To learn about the symposium's history read In Late August.

2012 Economic Policy Symposium Agenda

Thursday, Aug. 30, 2012
6 p.m. Opening Reception and Dinner
Host: Esther George, President and Chief Executive Officer, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
Friday, Aug. 31, 2012
Chair: Susan M. Collins, Dean, Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan
7:15 a.m. Continental Breakfast
8 a.m. Opening Remarks
  Ben S. Bernanke, Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
8:30 a.m. Identifying and Mitigating Contagion
Author: Kristin J. Forbes, Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Discussant: Franklin Allen, Professor, University of Pennsylvania
9:05 a.m. General Discussion
9:30 a.m. Coffee Break
9:55 a.m. Ensuring Long-Term Financial Stability
Author: Andrew Haldane, Executive Director, Financial Stability, Bank of England
Discussants: José De Gregorio, Professor, Universidad de Chile

Eswar S. Prasad, Professor, Cornell University and Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution

10:45 a.m. General Discussion
11:10 a.m. Accommodation at the Zero Lower Bound
Author: Michael Woodford, Professor, Columbia University
Discussant: Adam S. Posen, Senior Fellow, Peterson Institute for International
  Economics and External Member, Monetary Policy Committee, Bank of England
11:45 a.m. General Discussion
12:30 p.m. Luncheon Address: Policymaking in an Interconnected World
Speaker: Jaime Caruana, General Manager, Bank for International Settlements
2 p.m. Adjournment
7 p.m. Reception and Western Barbeque
Saturday, Sept. 1, 2012

Stanley Fischer, Governor, Bank of Israel

7:15 a.m. Continental Breakfast
8 a.m. Leverage, Business Cycles, and Monetary Policy
Authors: Markus K. Brunnermeier, Professor, Princeton University
  Yuliy Sannikov, Professor, Princeton University
Discussant: Amir Sufi, Professor, University of Chicago
8:35 a.m. General Discussion
9 a.m.

Labor Markets and Monetary Policy

Authors: Edward P. Lazear, Professor, Stanford University and Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution
  James R. Spletzer, Principal Economist, U.S. Census Bureau
9:20 a.m. Coffee Break
9:45 a.m. Discussant: Athanasios Orphanides, Senior Fellow,
  Center for Financial Studies
10 a.m. General Discussion
10:25 a.m. Overview Panel: Global Policy Perspectives
Panelists: Zeti Akhtar Aziz, Governor, Central Bank of Malaysia
  Alan S. Blinder, Professor, Princeton University
  Stanley Fischer, Governor, Bank Of Israel
11:25 a.m. General Discussion
12:15 p.m. Luncheon
2 p.m.


7 p.m.

Closing Reception and Dinner

Roster of Attendees

