Photo of women at coffee house.

For Consumers

Consumers who understand the economy and tools available to them make better financial decisions. We have a variety of resources to assist you.


  • Federal Reserve Education Logo Federal Reserve Education

    We offer free activities, publications, videos, classroom curriculum and consumer resources to educators, students, and the public.

  • Image of road sign The Financial Crisis & You

    What ignited the financial crisis? What has the Fed done about banks? When will the economy recover? Find answers to these and other essential questions in a new online resource.

  • Image of credit cards Navigating the Credit Card Process

    A new website by the Federal Reserve summarizing new credit card protections. The site includes interactive tools for users to learn more about the terms and fees of credit card offers, and about the new features of monthly statements.

  • Image of Calculator Credit Card Repayment Calculator

    Estimate how long it will take you to pay off your credit card balance if you make only the minimum payment on time each month. Other calculations can help you develop a plan for paying off your balance sooner.
