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Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis
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DOL Annual Report, Fiscal Year 2008
Performance and Accountability Report

Management's Discussion & Analysis

Organization and Program Activities

The Department accomplishes its mission through component agencies and offices that administer various statutes and programs. These programs are carried out through a network of regional offices and smaller field, district, and area offices, as well as through grantees and contractors. The largest program agencies, each headed by an Assistant Secretary, Commissioner, or Director, are the Employment and Training Administration (ETA), Employment Standards Administration (ESA), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA), Veterans’ Employment and Training Service (VETS), Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA), Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC)1, and Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The following organization chart and table describing major activities include the most significant offices of the Department.

DOL Org chart

Employment and Training

Employment and Training Administration

eta logoProvides job training and education, employment, labor market information, and income maintenance services.

Veterans' Employment and Training Service

vets logo Helps veterans, reservists, and National Guard members to secure and to maintain employment and reemployment rights.

Office of Job Corps

job corps logoProvides job training and education to disadvantaged youth ages 16 through 24.

Women's Bureau

Women's Bureau's 87th AnniversaryPromotes profitable employment opportunities for women. 

Office of Disability Employment Policy

Office of Disability Employment PolicyIncreases employment opportunities for people with disabilities.

Unemployment Insurance

Unemployment Insurance

eta logoETA administers programs that provide unemployment benefits to eligible workers.

Workers' Compensation

Office of Workers' Compensation Program

esa logoProvides wage replacement and other benefits to Federal and certain other workers injured at work or who acquire an occupational disease.

Workplace Safety and Health

Occupational Safety and Health Administration

osha logoPromotes safe and healthful working conditions for America's workers by enforcing compliance with the Occupational Safety and Health Act.

Mine Safety and Health Administration

Mine_Safety_and_Health_Administration_emblem.pngPromotes the safety and health of the Nation's 350,000 miners by enforcing compliance with Federal mine safety and health laws.

Employment Standards Administration

esa logoAdvances and protects the welfare and rights of, and generates equal employment opportunity for, American workers.

Health Plan and Retirement Benefit Protections

Employee Benefits Security Administration

Employee Benefits Security AdministrationResponsible for administering and enforcing provisions of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA). 

Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation

PBGC logoProtects retirement-plan participants' pension benefits and supports a healthy retirement plan system.

Labor Statistics

Bureau of Labor Statistics

bls logoProvides economic and employment statistics, including data on employment, wages, inflation, productivity, and many other relevant topics.

International Policy

Bureau of International Labor Affairs

Develops policy and programs relating to international labor activities.

Report Outline

This report is divided into four sections:

  • The Secretary's Message is a letter from the chief executive that highlights the Department's achievements for the year and communicates direction and priorities.
  • Management's Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) introduces the Department's mission, vision, organization, and activities; summarizes program and financial performance, including Program Assessment Rating Tool reviews and compliance with relevant financial management legislation; addresses top management challenges such as those identified annually by the Office of Inspector General (OIG); and reports on DOL's implementation of the President's Management Agenda.
  • The Performance Section presents program results and costs and includes assessments of progress achieving performance goals presented in the Department's Strategic Plan and Performance Budget.
  • The Financial Section demonstrates our commitment to effective stewardship over Federal funds. It includes a letter from the Chief Financial Officer, the Independent Auditors' Report (an independent opinion on the Consolidated Financial Statements) and the Annual Financial Statements.

Two other sections at the end of the report supplement the performance and financial sections: Other Accompanying Information provides additional information on improper payments reduction and Appendices include a list of acronyms and a list of Web sites featuring labor programs and issues.

1PBGC — a Federal corporation created by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 – is not included in the DOL organization chart. However, in accordance with the requirements of the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA), PBGC’s performance reporting is included in this report because PBGC’s performance goals are included in the Department’s performance budget.

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