ED Civil Rights

ED Civil Rights


Official Twitter account for U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights. Know your rights!

Washington, DC http://www.ed.gov/ocr


Check out AS Ali's blogpost on WH website. OCR: Honoring T9 Everyday. The work continues...

Now: Asst. Secretary Ali joins Secretary Duncan & Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett at WH celebrating 40 years of Title IX.

30 yrs ago SCOTUS said in Plyler: kids have equal rt to public school, immigration status no bar. Still true!

Assistant Secretary Ali discusses the department's role in combatting human trafficking with the Cabinet. View here:

Assistant Secretary Ali talks about school discipline and new Civil Rights Data Collection today on Talk of the Nation

New Data from U.S. Dept of Ed Highlights Educational Inequities focused on Teacher Experience, Discipline and High School Rigor

Title IX is only 28 words, but it has been one of the greatest civil rights successes in our history. says

we need to challenge states & districts to do their part. In RTT it was the only absolute priority.

: T9 helps ensure that women have an equal opp to participate in & other traditionally male-dominated courses.

Title IX is abt ensuring equal access to athletic opportunity & since its passage opportunities have increased for men & women.

Title IX is abt more than sports, about access to courses, degree attainment as well.

Title IX protects students agnst gender stereotyping. If you feel like ur being bullied due to gender stereotyping contact OCR

We're starting our tweetup w/ in a few moments. Join us by asking your Title IX ?'s using .

Good Title IX questions coming in for today's tweetup with . Keep them coming using & join us at 4pm ET.

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