


An online teaching tool using documents from the US National Archives - create interactive lessons with primary sources to promote historical thinking skills.

Washington D.C.

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Now in Deposition #9 of Timothy Smith Regarding the Events of April 18 and 19, 1775 at Lexington and Conc...

Now in Deposition #17 by James Barrett, Colonial of the Concord Militia Regarding the Events of April 18 ...

Now in Deposition #16 of Timothy Minot, Jr. Regarding the Events of April 18 and 19, 1775 at Lexington an...

Now in “McKay, the San Francisco Bulletin correspondent taking notes on the battlefield near Gen. Gillem’...

Now in Warm Spring scouts, Lava Beds, California; their leader, Donald McKay, is leaning against rock

Now in Cattle at Wind River Agency - This image documents life at the Wind River Indian Agency in Wyoming...

Now in Family with garden at Wind River Agency - his image documents life at the Wind River Indian Agency...

Now in Corner view showing mostly left wall, “Church, Acoma Pueblo [National Historic Landmark, New Mexic...

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