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Keep in mind, McCain creates much more news with a head-fake like this.
And no, I don't know who it is. Source knows but won't say. Just hearing NOT Pawlenty.
We're in a total news hole here, so I don't know if I'm way behind the story, but now hear from pretty good source that its NOT Pawlenty.
Signing off. The Republicans have a tough act to follow and are going to need to do more than flag-wave.
Signing off. The Republicans have a tough act to follow and are going to need to do more than flag-wave.
Oddly, this probably looks more cinematic in person than it does on TV. The music is a bit much.
Ok, felt a little shiver up my leg.
Not a masterpiece in the way that 2004 was, a little long, but the speech that he needed.
Two adjectives: gutsy, grounded.
Uh oh. He played the 'temperment' card.
Obama somewhat embracing 'big government'. Republicans may recycle old 'tax-and-spend' attacks.
Oddly, the best way for obama to break from the gop's 'celebrity' box was for him to come right after them.
Dems have figured out this just ain't all that complicated. 1) Status Quo sucks; 2) McCain equals status quo. Its the 1992 message again.
Constantly 40 or so flashbulbs going off every second.
FWIW, I think Lieberman or Ridge would have been the best picks. Pawlenty has no brand and will do no harm, but won't generate media buzz.
FWIW, I think Lieberman or Ridge would have been the best picks. Pawlenty has no brand and will do no harm, but won't generate media buzz.
Hearing fairly strong rumors that Pawlenty is McCain's choice.
There have to be 20k or 30k American flags here. Don't know how it will play on TV, but visuals are great in person.
They're all middle-aged, middle-class women too. Obama campaign knows that its easiest path to victory is winning the Hillary supporters.
These "ordinary people" are more articulate than half the politicians who spoke today. And coincidentally, they're all from swing states.