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Jimmy Carter Presidential Library - Atlanta, GA

Jimmy Carter Presidential Library
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  1. Recent Posts by OthersSee All
    • This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. (1 JOHN: 9,11)
      11 hours ago
    •  Could you please help us celebrate A Day of Kindness, Thursday, October 18th? See our FB page. http://www.facebook.com/ADayOfKindness?ref=hl#!/ADayOfKindness
      October 12 at 3:53am
    •  We need your help. Putting Nuclear Weapons on Trial with David and Carolee Krieger http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYmPUC52NXA "Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men." MLK "Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase." MLK
      October 4 at 12:25pm
  2. RecommendationsSee All
    • Autrey Lisa
      Well, imagine if Jimmy Carter had been re-elected in 1980 rather than Ronald Reagan winning? History is something else, isn’t it!
    • Jimmy Massey
      Happy Birthday Mr. Carter, you are one of my hero's, Sir. God bless.
    • Anthony Brett Dawe
  3. Join us This Friday night at 7 as best selling novelist Patricia Cornwell comes to the Carter Library for THE BONE BED. We expect a crowd..seating is on a first come basis...doors to the carter Center's Day Chapel will open at 6:00pm for this free event. Following her talk and audience questions, Ms Cornwell will sign her books (in order to sign everyone's books, she won't be able to personalize the books.) A photographer will be on hand to take a picture of each fan getting...
    their book signed...(no posed photos) Those images will be uploaded to Ms. Cornwell's Facebook page.
    Signing: Only those with a copy of The Bone Bed will be allowed in the signing line. Ms. Corwell will sign up to 20 copies of her prior books, but those with more than 3 books to be signed should wait until the end of the line. For more information, call 404-865-7109.
    See More
    Photo: Join us This Friday night at 7 as best selling novelist Patricia Cornwell comes to the Carter Library for THE BONE BED. We expect a crowd..seating is on a first come basis...doors to the carter Center's Day Chapel will open at 6:00pm for this free event.  Following her talk and audience questions, Ms Cornwell will sign her books (in order to sign everyone's books, she won't be able to personalize the books.) A photographer will be on hand to take a picture of each fan getting their book signed...(no posed photos) Those images will be uploaded to Ms. Cornwell's Facebook page.
   Signing: Only those with a copy of The Bone Bed will be allowed in the signing line. Ms. Corwell will sign up to 20 copies of her prior books, but those with more than 3 books to be signed should wait until the end of the line. For more information, call 404-865-7109.
  4. LikesSee All
  5. TONIGHT at 7pm..."The Last Great Senate"...author Ira Shapiro is joined by Pres. Carter's Congressional Aide Frank Moore for a look back to a time when Democrats and Republicans worked together. Free but seating in the museum theater is limited. Doors open at 6:15pm...book signing follows
  6. The Jimmy Carter Presidential Library & Museum has entered the blogosphere! We invite you to visit us online at http://blogs.archives.gov/carter-chronicle/ Thanks all and have a great weekend!
  7. Interested in History? Tired of Congressional Deadlock? Join Us Monday @7pm for The Last Great Senate, by Ira Shapiro. Joining in the discussion will be former Carter Congressional aide Frank Moore. The event is free ...seating in the museum theater is limited so come early...doors open at 6:15...program begins at 7:00 and will be followed by a book signing. No reservations are needed.
    Photo: Interested in History? Tired of Congressional Deadlock? Join Us Monday @7pm for The Last Great Senate, by Ira Shapiro. Joining in the discussion will be former Carter Congressional aide Frank Moore. The event is free ...seating in the museum theater is limited so come early...doors open at 6:15...program begins at 7:00 and will be followed by a book signing. No reservations are needed.
  8. Jimmy Carter to Answer Your Questions via Social Media
    By The Carter Center

    For the first time, former U.S. President and Carter Center Founder Jimmy Carter will answer questions from the public via Facebook, Twitter, and this blog, as par...
    t of a year-long commemoration of the Center’s 30th anniversary of waging peace and fighting disease worldwide.

    How to Submit a Question
    Questions for President Carter about the work of the Center or related world affairs can be submitted until Oct. 18, 2012, through the following channels:

    Post a question in the comments section of this blog!
    Post a comment on the Carter Center’s Facebook thread.
    Reply to The Carter Center on Twitter (@CarterCenter) using the hashtag #CarterQA.
    President Carter’s responses will be shared via video beginning Oct. 19, on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and the Carter Center’s blog. Individuals whose questions are selected for a response will be contacted to receive a copy of the video for sharing on their personal social media accounts.

    “It has been very gratifying for Rosalynn and me to see The Carter Center help people from some of the world’s poorest and most neglected communities get the tools and knowledge they need to dramatically improve their own lives,” said President Carter. “I look forward to sharing these stories and lessons with Carter Center supporters on Facebook and Twitter.”

    The Carter Center regularly uses social media channels to support many of its efforts, especially those protecting human rights and strengthening democracy in fragile states, where these platforms have become an important tool among communities with limited access to news media and information.

    The Carter Center was founded in 1982 by former U.S. President Jimmy Carter and his wife, Rosalynn, in partnership with Emory University. A not-for-profit, nongovernmental organization, the Center has helped to improve life for people in more than 70 countries by resolving conflicts; advancing democracy, human rights, and economic opportunity; preventing diseases; improving mental health care; and teaching farmers to increase crop production.

    Help Us Spread the Word
    Post this Facebook status:

    Help celebrate the Carter Center’s 30th anniversary! Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter is answering YOUR questions on how to wage peace, fight disease, and build hope starting on Oct. 19. Leave a question at: http://bit.ly/Carterquestions
    Share this tweet using the hashtag #CarterQA with your followers:

    @CarterCenter celebrates 30 years of hope. Jimmy Carter is taking your questions on Oct. 19. Use #CarterQA to submit your question!
    See More
  9. Tonight...Larry Berman, author of Zumwalt...7:00pm...free and open to the public
  10. Join us This Tuesday night at 7pm for an engaging look at one of the most important figures in US naval history..Admiral Elmo Zumwalt. Author Larry Berman provides an admiring, yet even-handed biography that reminds us what leadership is an...
    d pays tribute to a man whose life reflected the best of America itself. The event is free and open to the public. Copies of "Zumwalt" will be available for purchase and signing.
    Here's what people are saying about "Zumwalt"....

    “You can’t understand today’s Navy without acknowledging Bud Zumwalt’s role in modernizing its technology and renewing its soul. He believed deeply in a strong Navy worthy of our great nation, and that anyone who chose to serve in it was deserving of respect and dignity. Zumwalt is the story of a true American hero.”
    –President Bill Clinton

    “Zumwalt may be Larry Berman’s best book on Vietnam. Exhaustively researched, beautifully written, here is the war through the prism of one of America’s greatest officers. I loved it and learned from it. Read it.”
    –Marvin Kalb, Edward R. Murrow Professor Emeritus at Harvard

    “Zumwalt was an iconic figure for generations of sailors who served under his command or who were motivated by his example. His dedication to his country and the US Navy was a model for those who want to serve. For me, Adm. Zumwalt was a charismatic officer whose leadership inspired my own service. Larry Berman’s book will help those who never knew Adm. Zumwalt understand his role in building the world’s most advanced Navy.”
    –Adm. Mike Mullen, 17th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
    See More
    Photo: Join us This Tuesday night at 7pm for an engaging look at one of the most important figures in US naval history..Admiral Elmo Zumwalt. Author Larry Berman provides an admiring, yet even-handed biography that reminds us what leadership is and pays tribute to a man whose life reflected the best of America itself. The event is free and open to the public. Copies of "Zumwalt"  will be available for purchase and signing.
Here's what people are saying about "Zumwalt"....

“You can’t understand today’s Navy without acknowledging Bud Zumwalt’s role in modernizing its technology and renewing its soul. He believed deeply in a strong Navy worthy of our great nation, and that anyone who chose to serve in it was deserving of respect and dignity. Zumwalt is the story of a true American hero.”
–President Bill Clinton

“Zumwalt may be Larry Berman’s best book on Vietnam. Exhaustively researched, beautifully written, here is the war through the prism of one of America’s greatest officers. I loved it and learned from it. Read it.”
–Marvin Kalb, Edward R. Murrow Professor Emeritus at Harvard

“Zumwalt was an iconic figure for generations of sailors who served under his command or who were motivated by his example. His dedication to his country and the US Navy was a model for those who want to serve. For me, Adm. Zumwalt was a charismatic officer whose leadership inspired my own service. Larry Berman’s book will help those who never knew Adm. Zumwalt understand his role in building the world’s most advanced Navy.”
–Adm. Mike Mullen, 17th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
  11. On November 4, 1979, as the Iranian revolution reached its boiling point, militants stormed the U.S. embassy in Tehran, taking 52 Americans hostage. But, in the midst of the chaos, six Americans manage to slip away and find refuge in the home of Canadian Ambassador Ken Taylor. Find out more about President Carter’s role in the situation in @Argo starring Ben Affleck! Download complimentary tickets to an advance screening of ARGO on Tuesday, October 9 via Gofobo.com: http://bit.ly/T16O9N
    ARGO in theaters October 12!
    Photo: On November 4, 1979, as the Iranian revolution reached its boiling point, militants stormed the U.S. embassy in Tehran, taking 52 Americans hostage.  But, in the midst of the chaos, six Americans manage to slip away and find refuge in the home of Canadian Ambassador Ken Taylor.  Find out more about President Carter’s role in the situation in @Argo starring Ben Affleck!  Download complimentary tickets to an advance screening of ARGO on Tuesday, October 9 via Gofobo.com:  http://bit.ly/T16O9N  
ARGO in theaters October 12!
  12. President Gerald Ford and then former Governor Jimmy Carter re-started Presidential Debates in 1976. The first Presidential Debates were between John Kennedy and Richard Nixon in 1960, but then they stopped until Carter and Ford faced off. We have had Presidential Debates ever since.
    Photo: President Gerald Ford and then former Governor Jimmy Carter re-started Presidential Debates in 1976. The first Presidential Debates were between John Kennedy and Richard Nixon in 1960, but then they stopped until Carter and Ford faced off. We have had Presidential Debates ever since.
  13. Mark Your Calendar for our October Author Events. It all gets started tomorrow.

    Oct. 2..7:00pm..Nataly Kelly, Found In Translation: How Language Shapes Our Lives & Transforms the World
    Through anecdotes and stories, the author describes th...
    e crucial role translation plays in everything from health care to international relations. (Free..Carter Museum Theater)

    October 9...7:00pm..Larry Berman, Zumwalt : The Life and Times of Admiral Elmo Russell "Bud" Zumwalt, Jr.
    Zumwalt is a compelling portrait of the controversial admiral widely regarded as the founder of the modern Navy, implementing major strategic innovations that endure to this day, especially in his campaign against racism and sexism throughout the fleet—a portrait of leadership that is essential for our time.
    (Free..Carter Museum Theater)

    October 15…7:00pm..Ira Shapiro, The Last Great Senate
    President Carter's Congressional aide Frank Moore joins Ira Shapiro for a look at "The Last Great Senate."
    “A first-hand, blow-by-blow account of the personalities and issues that animated the Senate during the Carter administration..There is something surprisingly thrilling about it all…. There is no mistaking that the Senate operated differently 30 years ago than it did today and Shapiro persuasively shows that most of that change has been for the worse.. Christian Science Monitor
    (Free..Carter Museum Theater)

    October 19…7:00pm..Patricia Cornwell, The Bone Bed …CARTER CENTER DAY CHAPEL.
    A woman has vanished while digging a dinosaur bone bed in the remote wilderness of Canada. Somehow, the only evidence has made its way to the inbox of Chief Medical Examiner Kay Scarpetta, over two thousand miles away in Boston. She has no idea why. But as events unfold with alarming speed, Scarpetta begins to suspect that the paleontologist’s disappearance is connected to a series of crimes much closer to homeThe New York Times Book Review says “When it comes to the forensic sciences, nobody can touch Cornwell.” (Free & Open to the Public)

    October 23…7:00pm..David Holmes, Faiths of the Postwar Presidents
    David Holmes examines not only the beliefs professed by each president but also the variety of possible influences on their religious faith, such as their upbringing, and education. (Free..Carter Museum Theater)
    See More
    Photo: Mark Your Calendar for our October Author Events. It all gets started tomorrow.

Oct. 2..7:00pm..Nataly Kelly, Found In Translation: How Language Shapes Our Lives & Transforms the World
Through anecdotes and stories, the author describes the crucial role translation plays in everything from health care to international relations. (Free..Carter Museum Theater)

October  9...7:00pm..Larry Berman, Zumwalt : The Life and Times of Admiral Elmo Russell "Bud" Zumwalt, Jr.
Zumwalt is a compelling portrait of the controversial admiral widely regarded as the founder of the modern Navy, implementing major strategic innovations that endure to this day, especially in his campaign against racism and sexism throughout the fleet—a portrait of leadership that is essential for our time.
 (Free..Carter Museum Theater)

October 15…7:00pm..Ira Shapiro, The Last Great Senate 
President Carter's Congressional aide Frank Moore joins Ira Shapiro for a look at "The Last Great Senate." 
 “A first-hand, blow-by-blow account of the personalities and issues that animated the Senate during the Carter administration..There is something surprisingly thrilling about it all…. There is no mistaking that the Senate operated differently 30 years ago than it did today and Shapiro persuasively shows that most of that change has been for the worse..  Christian Science Monitor
 (Free..Carter Museum Theater)

October 19…7:00pm..Patricia Cornwell, The Bone Bed …CARTER CENTER DAY CHAPEL.
A woman has vanished while digging a dinosaur bone bed in the remote wilderness of Canada. Somehow, the only evidence has made its way to the inbox of Chief Medical Examiner Kay Scarpetta, over two thousand miles away in Boston. She has no idea why. But as events unfold with alarming speed, Scarpetta begins to suspect that the paleontologist’s disappearance is connected to a series of crimes much closer to homeThe New York Times Book Review says “When it comes to the forensic sciences, nobody can touch Cornwell.” (Free & Open to the Public)

October 23…7:00pm..David Holmes, Faiths of the Postwar Presidents  
David Holmes examines not only the beliefs professed by each president but also the variety of possible influences on their religious faith, such as their upbringing, and education.  (Free..Carter Museum Theater)
  15. Monday October 1st is Pres. Carter's 88th birthday. Happy Birthday Mr President.
    Photo: Monday October 1st is Pres. Carter's 88th birthday. Happy Birthday Mr President.
  16. Monday October 1st is Pres. Carter's 88th birthday. Happy Birthday Mr President.
    Photo: Monday October 1st is Pres. Carter's 88th birthday. Happy Birthday Mr President.
  17. We've had a great week of authors...Pulitzer prize winner Junot Diaz last friday...Jeffrey Toobin on Tuesday...Historian Bill Chafe on Wednesday and a triple-hitter with Pat Conroy, Terry Kay and Cliff Graubart last night...more great author programs/book signings coming in October...
    Photo: We've had a great week of authors...Pulitzer prize winner Junot Diaz last friday...Jeffrey Toobin on Tuesday...Historian Bill Chafe on Wednesday and a triple-hitter with Pat Conroy, Terry Kay and Cliff Graubart last night...more great author programs/book signings coming in October...
  18. Tonight is a special night with three authors. Pat Conroy and Terry Kay help celebrate the new novel by Cliff Graubart. 7pm in the Carter Center's Day Chapel. Tickets available at the door.
    Photo: Tonight is a special night with three authors. Pat Conroy and Terry Kay help celebrate the new novel by Cliff Graubart. 7pm in the Carter Center's Day Chapel. Tickets available at the door.

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