• Location: CDC - Parents Are the Key Facebook page

    Did you know that nearly one million high school students drank alcohol and got behind the wheel last year? Teen drivers are 3 times more likely than more experienced drivers to be in a fatal crash. Drinking any alcohol greatly increases this risk for teens.

    Parents can play an important role in keeping their teen drivers safe. Be part of our Facebook chat for moms and dads to learn what steps to take to protect the safety of their teens and others on the...
    road. The CDC’s Injury Center will be hosting a Facebook chat, Friday, October 19, at 10:00am ET on the CDC—Parents Are the Key to Safe Teen Drivers Facebook Page.

    We’ll be talking about how to start the conversation about safe driving with your teen, who’s at risk, what works, and what everyone can do to protect the lives of young drivers and everyone that shares the road with them.

    You’ll also have the chance to get tips from one of CDC’s experts on motor vehicle safety, Dr. Ruth Shults. Dr. Shults is a senior epidemiologist in the Division of Unintentional Injury Prevention and has led CDC research in the areas of alcohol-impaired driving, safety belt use and teen driving.

    If you have questions, go ahead and post them in the comment thread here.

    We look forward to talking with you Friday.

    For more information on teen drinking and driving, check out: http://www.cdc.gov/vitalsigns/teendrinkinganddriving/

    For more information about general teen driving safety: http://www.cdc.gov/parentsarethekey/

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1600 Clifton Rd NE, Atlanta, Georgia 30333

  • Jonathan Carl Nelson and Kenyette Barnes-Higgs are going.
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