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Oregon / Washington

General Land Office 200 Year Anniversary

General Land Office 200th Anniversary

The Bureau of Land Management was officially established in 1946, but it has roots dating back two hundred years, since the foundation of the General Land Office (GLO) in 1812. The "Gateway to Land Ownership" as it was colloquially dubbed, helped millions of Americans in the 19th and 20th centuries acquire public lands for private and agricultural usage, while simultaneously generating income for the Federal Government.

This April, the GLO will celebrate its 200th birthday. The BLM Oregon/Washington invites you to learn more about our historic lands and the enduring legacy of the General Land Office.

Commemorating 200 Years of the General Land Office

Two hundred years ago, the General Land Office (GLO) opened its doors for business. Today that "land office business" continues at the Bureau of Land Management-Eastern States Office, which will commemorate the occasion with events scheduled throughout the year.

Today's General Land Office

View a brief tour of the GLO at BLM's Eastern States Office, including the fireproof vault, document scanning, and bindery.

National Historic Oregon Trail Interpretive Center

Home Sweet Homestead

Baker City, Oregon
June 7 - September 3*

Discover the rich homesteading history of the West, and explore the many ways that we create and protect the places that we call home. The Homestead Act gave U.S. citizens the opportunity to lay claim to 160 acres of land and provided the infrastructure for people to establish agricultural communities throughout the American West, offering new freedoms for those willing to work hard.

*A special traveling exhibit from the Homestead National Monument in Nebraska will be on display for three weeks, June 17th - July 7th.