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  • Non-Profit Organization
    This low-cost, evidence-based exercise program helps older adults at all levels offitness become more active, energized, and empowered to sustain independent lives.
  1. Recent Posts by Others on EnhanceFitnessSee All
    • I would like to start a class on First Hill in Seattle at The ReFit Komplex Could you please tell me how to get started!?!?!? info@refitkomplex.com THANKS!
      11 · September 29 at 6:06pm
    • Lynn Sebbard
      Hey Paige, I love this "enhanced fitness. " How do I get back to this site in the future? Lynn
      1 · September 23 at 8:06am
    • We are always looking for powerful participant testimonials -- please share any you have -- they are the best marketing for EnhanceFitness. Thanks to all the EnhanceFitness and Trainers for the thousands of older adults you making more physically and emotionally fit!
      1 · September 21 at 4:46pm
    •  Give the gift of art by entering a Facebook contest with For Love and Art: Sharing with Seniors that will provide ArtBooks to seniors in community centers across the country! Head over to For Love & Art's Facebook page now and LIKE it, and nominate a community or venue this week! http://www.facebook.com/forloveandart
      September 19 at 9:27pm
    • Mary Bouchard
      My class is so loyal, the other day one of the students said, "If we don't show up to class, we get a get-well card from the rest of the class!" Love 'em!
      12 · September 18 at 8:29pm
  2. Hey EnhanceFitness instructors - do your participants work their social muscles in class? Mine sure do!

    About a third of respondents, (33 per cent of men, 35 per cent of women), said a health limitation was their main barrier to socializing -- joining an evidence based EnhanceFitness class allows you to work toward a healthier you and make friends too!
  3. Handwashing helps prevent colds and flu. Today is Global Handwashing Day. Learn more in today's Healthy Monday: http://bit.ly/PxGV6h.
    Photo: Handwashing helps prevent colds and flu. Today is Global Handwashing Day. Learn more in today's Healthy Monday: http://bit.ly/PxGV6h.
  4. EnhanceFitness is grateful for you too, Sarah!

    "This is a timely, well organized, and helpful program! The routines are perfect for seniors. The instructors are really ideal for the group — considerate of individual limitations and encouraging. The timing is great; the atmosphere is fun. I am a grateful participant!" —Sarah J., age 81
  5. "As a primary care physician with a specialty in geriatrics (care of older people), I know that the healthiest, happiest senior citizens tend to be the ones who stay physically, mentally and socially active. Regular physical activity is im...
    portant at every age, but maintaining a strong cardiovascular and musculoskeletal system is especially important for those who are 50 or older." Indeed - Adoption of a healthy lifestyle is the best ( and cheapest ) medicine there is!
    See More
  6. Important feedback from Antonio P, age 74, and EnhanceFitness participant: "This fitness class has helped me. When I occasionally trip or step lower than expected, I recover instantly without a fall. Now I can carry heavy bags from the grocery store to my car and from my car to my apartment without help. I am pleased to note my posture is straighter and I can walk three miles without becoming tired...I am very happy with the results!"
  7. Here is what Henry, age 71, and Margaret, age 68, had to say about EnhanceFitness: "We found the exercise and regimes ideally suited our needs. There is a fine balance of leg, arm, and torso exercises, with an emphasis on balance improvement. Our instructor has a most pleasant demeanor which inspires conviviality among the class members. We feel that our general physical condition has been improved by participating and intend to continue indefinitely."
  8. The so-called social capital derived from trusting, caring social networks also yields resilience, as evidenced last year when an earthquake-triggered tsunami killed almost 20,000 Japanese, Harvard’s Kawachi said.
  9. " Conclusion: Getting enough omega-3 fatty acid to change the balance of oils in your system may help preserve the length of your telomeres, with the potential to reduce the risk of age-related diseases." Question: Do you take omega-3 supplements?
  10. Did you know?...

    Many programs claim to improve the health of older adults. Few can demonstrate real results based on sound scientific research. From the beginning, EnhanceFitness — a program managed by Senior Services (Seattle, WA) in col...
    laboration with the University of Washington Health Promotion Research Center — has demonstrated measurable results.

    The pilot study began in 1993 at Northshore Senior Center in Bothell, WA and the response from participants was immediate and overwhelmingly positive.

    Even before the pilot study ended, participants were requesting to use the program as a permanent exercise activity at the center. Not only were the older adults excited about participating, but study measures showed that the group improved significantly in almost every dimension tested, from physical and social functioning to levels of pain and depression. The pilot results, published in the Journal of American Geriatrics Society, showed that the program significantly improved overall fitness and health.The original independent study demonstrated that participants realized:

    13% improvement in social function
    52% improvement in depression
    35% improvement in physical functioning
    See More
  11. “It is our responsibility and in our own interest to make sure we all continue to live full, healthy and productive lives as long as we are on this earth,” said Dr. Enrique Vega, PAHO/WHO Advisor on Healthy Aging. “This means investing more in our health and social systems and in policies to support seniors, and striving as individuals and collectively to be active and engaged as we all age.”
  12. In honor of World Heart Day! This year's theme is prevention for women and children, but everyone can use these tips. How do you take care of your heart? Do share :)

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