Federal Aviation Administration


FAA Oversight

(click on icons below for Feedback Information pertaining to Alaska or Lockheed Martin specifically)


Mike Tarr: Flight Services Information Office (Alaska) Acting Director

FSIO (Alaska) Key Roles and Responsibilities:

  • To provide our customers with guidance and leadership in the planning, development, and operation of the Alaska airport system.
  • Enable air transportation services to be delivered in a safe and efficient manner, incorporating community and environmental needs
Lockheed Martin

Jim Derr: Lockheed Martin Director of  FS21 Team

Lockheed Martin Key Roles and Responsibilities:

Lockheed Martin, as the Service Provider, is responsible for meeting the contract requirements and Performance Measures through the implementation of internal quality control processes. Customers support the quality control process by indication of their satisfaction level through formal and informal feedback.

Page Last Modified: 07/12/11 13:24 EDT

This page can be viewed online at: http://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/headquarters_offices/ato/service_units/systemops/fs/key_officials/