


U.S. Senator. Family farmer. Lifetime resident of New Hartford, IA. Also follow for news releases.

Iowa ·

Twiitit Kaikki / Ei vastauksia

The secy of senate informed the vote I cast on tues was my 11000 since my beginning and I hv not missed vote since 1993. 6500straight votes

On Veterans day we express thankfulness and gratitude to all vets who hv sacrificed to defend liberty and freedom we enjoy but take 4granted

Can't believe it !! There is history on history channel. Learn abt electricity inventor Edison Powering America

DikeNewHArtford wins state Vball championship ovr WesternChristian 3/2 WChristian won first 2sets DNH won final 3. NewHartford is my school

Issues 4 compromise not just tax/ rev/GOP react.Entitlement reform also needed 4 fiscal respons AND 2 secure future. Will Pres&D's lead?

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