Federal Aviation Administration

Fact Sheet – Aviation Safety Information Analysis and Sharing (ASIAS) System

For Immediate Release

June 30, 2012
Contact: Alison Duquette or Les Dorr
Phone: (202) 267-3883

The Aviation Safety Information Analysis and Sharing (ASIAS) system connects 131 data and information sources across the industry and is integrated into the Commercial Aviation Safety Team (CAST) process. Of those sources, 46 are safety databases, 78 are hybrid databases, and seven are standards datasets. There are currently 42 member airlines participating in ASIAS. Since it began in October 2007, the program has evolved to the point that ASIAS now has access to Flight Operations Quality Assurance (FOQA) programs from 24 operators and Aviation Safety Action Partnership (ASAP) data from flightcrews, maintenance and other employees from 40 operators.  ASIAS is also accessing reports in the Air Traffic Safety Action Program (ATSAP), which provides air traffic controllers with a way to report potential safety hazards. Other Air Traffic Organization (ATO) employees will be added to the program in the future.

One major accomplishment is that seven of CAST’s 76 safety enhancements have been derived from forward-looking data analysis in ASIAS. Additionally, ASIAS stays connected to CAST’s safety enhancements to track the effectiveness of those safety interventions. ASIAS presently has four CAST metric categories in active monitoring comprising 51 distinct metrics.

Infoshare, a semiannual closed-door meeting of more than 500 airline safety professionals, facilitates sharing of safety event identification and mitigation. It’s linked to ASIAS for early detection and analysis of safety issues.

The FAA plans to eventually expand ASIAS to 64 databases. Current examples include:

  • ACAS (Aircraft Analytical System)
  • ASAP (Aviation Safety Action Program)
  • ASDE-X (Airport Surface Detection Equipment, Model X)
  • ASPM (Airspace Performance Metrics)
  • ASRS (Aviation Safety Reporting System)
  • ATSAP (Air Traffic Safety Action Program)
  • FOQA (Flight Operations Quality Assurance)
  • METAR (Meteorological Aviation Report)
  • NFDC (National Flight Data Center)
  • NOP (National Offload Program office track data)
  • SDR (Service Difficulty Reports)
  • TFMS (Traffic Flow Management System)
  • TOPA (TCAS Operational Performance Assessment)

ASIAS uses FOQA and ASAP data from 40 air carriers that represent 95 percent of commercial operations in the National Airspace System.

Available data includes:

  • Current number of ASAP reports:  110,000
  • Current number of FOQA reports:  8.1 million operations
  • Current number of ATSAP reports:  50,000.

The FAA plans to increase the numbers and types of participants following a phased expansion plan to include other parts of the aviation community. ASIAS will include domestic corporate general aviation, military, helicopter, manufacturers, and other government agencies.

The public can access some data at www.asias.faa.gov.


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