Air Force leadership speak about diversity

11/1/2011 - WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- Air Force senior leaders released a memorandum stressing the importance of diversity in today's force here Oct. 14.

Secretary of the Air Force Michael Donley, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Norton Schwartz and Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force James Roy signed the Declaration on Diversity, which stressed the importance of diversity at tactical and strategic levels as keys to mission success.

"Diversity, as defined by the Air Force, aggregates our strengths, perspectives and capabilities in a way that transcends individual contributions," the memorandum states.
"It speaks to each Airman's responsibility, as public servants, to embrace and gain a better understanding of diversity as a tool to enhance unit cohesion and the Air Force's ability to carry out its mission globally.

"From our perspective, diversity throughout our Air Force is a military necessity," the senior leaders said. "We will promote an Air Force culture that embraces diversity and provides the opportunity for all Airmen to reach their full potential and provide the required supporting programs and resources."

To view the complete Declaration of Diversity click here.

(Courtesy of the Air Force Public Affairs Agency)