Cutter Yered

To be a plank owner

There are many titles used in the Coast Guard. Some are earned as you move up in the ranks while some are given based off your chosen profession. Amongst all of the titles Coast Guard members earn there is one that perhaps warrants the most bragging rights – plank owner.

CGC Edisto

‘Lucky Eddie’ gets a new lease on life

Dismantling, removing and replacing a cutter’s main diesel engine is a job requiring teamwork, logistical coordination and planning under the best of circumstances. Replacing both engines at once doubles the complexity. Doing an unscheduled dual engine swap is a unique challenge the crew of U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Edisto and engineers from Sector San Diego recently tackled.

Coast Guard Cutter Sapelo

Drug bust is a Yard touchdown

The yard boasts of some of the best workers and management in the maritime industry. At the yard, dedicated coaches are behind the shipyard team. The production manager, the “head coach,” and four general foremen, the “assistant coaches,” provide workers with essential leadership and support needed to be successful. Each coach works in a specialized sector and brings his own game plan to the table to help create a winning organization. With its talented roster, the yard has a long heritage of wins to keep the Coast Guard fleet operating and accomplish vital missions.

ships in a row

Adm. Papp discusses cutter topics at Surface Navy Association’s Symposium

Addressing a crowd, including both Coast Guard cuttermen and Navy surface warfare officers, the Commandant described how maritime countries have shown an increasing emphasis on a “maritime governance” approach using law enforcement authorities in contrast to the traditional Mahanian “control of the sea” approach to ensure safety, security and prosperity.

Salute aboard Flores

Fulfilling a promise: The commissioning of Coast Guard Cutter William Flores

Written by Chief Petty Officer Judy L. Silverstein, 7th Coast Guard District Public Affairs. A gleaming white cutter, the William Flores sat at berth as crewmembers stood solemnly at their stations. The commissioning ceremony had just begun and it was [...]


Building the national security cutter: Keel laying

A keel is the very foundation of a ship. Running from bow to stern, a ship’s keel historically served as the core for the rest of the ship’s structure, providing a source of strength for the superstructure above. Today, the U.S. Coast Guard’s fourth national security cutter, named for Alexander Hamilton, symbolically received that source of strength.

Drug offload

Week in the life of the Coast Guard: Friday

A week in the life of the Coast Guard is almost complete, but there are still lots of missions to see. From responding to a boat fire to the crisp precision of the service’s silent drill team, you don’t want to miss today’s Coast Guard action. From July 30 to August 5, Coast Guard men and women captured a week in the life of the Coast Guard to highlight the missions we perform on a daily basis. From a port security unit on a morning patrol off the coast of Kuwait to flight operations off the coast of Seattle, you’ll get a glimpse of just how much the Coast Guard does as we feature a day-by-day snapshot.

Cutter Etheridge

In behalf of humanity

Another vessel has joined the ranks and earned the title “Coast Guard cutter.” However this isn’t just any cutter, it’s a fast response cutter. At 154-feet long, the ship has an impressive array of capabilities, including sustained speeds of more than 28 knots and an armament of a stabilized 25mm machine-gun mount and four, crew-served .50-caliber machine guns. But more impressive than its technology, more impressive than its features, is the cutter’s namesake – Richard Etheridge.


Spotting drug subs from the sky

Coast Guard crews have been hard at work disrupting a rising threat as drug smugglers use increasingly sophisticated and evolving methods to evade authorities in the Caribbean. First, there was the $180 million cocaine seizure by Coast Guard Cutter Seneca. [...]


On patrol with Waesche: Firepower

Coast Guard Cutter Waesche – the second of eight planned national security cutters – had a successful inaugural patrol, and after an in-port period is back at it again. Waesche’s crew is currently on an Asia-Pacific patrol and is once [...]

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