Department of Defense Education Activity’s Community Strategic Plan

Give Us Your Feedback

Thank you to those of you who provided input to DoDEA through this website in September! Your feedback was used to inform the development of the new Community Strategic Plan (CSP) for 2012-2016, to replace the current CSP that expires at the end of December 2011.

Over the past few months, DoDEA has collected and analyzed primary and secondary data to inform the development of the new CSP. Extensive efforts were made to gather feedback and input from a wide-range of stakeholders to ensure this would be an inclusive process, including through this website. As a result of the data collection efforts, a DoDEA Background Report was developed to provide the strategic themes that emerged and to detail the results of the interviews and data analysis.

In September, the CSP Steering Committee met in Arlington, VA to develop the draft CSP. The Steering Committee included DoDEA administrators, teachers, principals, commanders, parents, union and association representatives, Service representatives, headquarter staff and a representative from the U.S. Department of Education. As a result of the meeting, new mission and vision statements were
developed, as well as new core values and strategic goals.

We welcome feedback on our progress thus far in drafting the 2012-2016 CSP from DoDEA employees, parents, students, and the Department of Defense (DoD) community (educators in military-connected school districts, the military community, etc.). Your input will be used to make final revisions to the CSP and to ensure it reflects the knowledge and beliefs of the worldwide DoDEA community.