Content Syndication: Amplifying Our Message


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Susan Robinson, MS

The practice of syndicating content isn’t new, but certainly it’s an idea whose time has come. Communicators will tell you: if you want to extend the reach of your messages, make sure they are consistent – and repeat them often across many channels. HIV/AIDS partners can reach more people on-line by working together to create…

mHealth Innovation and Developers Challenges

Mobile phones and devices are becoming increasingly integral to everything we do – banking, shopping, navigating, and learning have all gone mobile. With the rise of mobile tech, there is awesome opportunity to focus the attention of developers on health needs that can be addressed with mobile!  Last July, HHS CTO Todd Park announced the…

Reducing Viral Hepatitis Disparities Among African Americans

Ronald Valdiserri

As we observe African American History Month, we are also working to raise awareness of the silent epidemic of viral hepatitis in the Black community. You may have seen the blog post earlier this month by my colleague Dr. Nadine Gracia, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Minority Health. She highlighted some of the troubling viral hepatitis…

African Americans and the National HIV/AIDS Strategy


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Christopher Bates

During this February’s observance of Black History Month, we have observed National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NBHAAD) and heard about efforts to eliminate viral hepatitis disparities among the African American community.  We must also take note of the importance that the National HIV/AIDS Strategy places on addressing HIV/AIDS and its disproportionate impact on African American…

Health, Technology, and Communities of Color


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Susannah Fox

Last week was the Federal HIV/AIDS Web Council (FHAWC) meeting, which brings together web, content, and communications leads from federal agencies with HIV/AIDS portfolios. Susannah Fox from the Pew Internet & American Life Project gave a presentation about communities of color to the FHAWC. Below is a blog post that recaps her presentation. Serendipity…

President’s FY 2013 Budget Supports Implementation of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy


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On Monday, President Obama sent his Fiscal Year 2013 budget proposal to Congress.  The budget proposal clearly demonstrates his determination to help the Nation achieve the goals of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS) and renews the President’s commitment to ending the AIDS pandemic. To address HIV/AIDS in the U.S., the 2013 Budget: Supports HIV/AIDS research….

Turn up the Volume: Audio Podcasts for 2012


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The term podcast is used to describe a series of online audio or video files that audiences can subscribe to and download regularly. As part of our effort to promote the use of new media and emerging technologies to extend the reach of HIV messaging, we have been producing audio podcasts since 2006. In 2008,…

President’s Budget Request Reflects Strong Commitment on Global AIDS


Today, the Obama Administration issued the President’s budget request for fiscal year (FY) 2013. It demonstrates that the United States remains fully committed to the fight against global AIDS, and will meet the President’s ambitious targets for HIV/AIDS treatment and prevention announced on World AIDS Day 2011. I am so proud that, even in a…

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