
Top Stories

European Central Bank Leaves Rates Unchanged

“There was no discussion. So it was a unanimous decision about interest rates,” said ECB President Mario Draghi at the press conference.

Greeks Prepare to Protest Merkel Visit

Greek opposition parties and unions will protest German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s first visit to the crisis-plagued country.

Tibetan Writer Dies in Self-Immolation Protest

A Tibetan writer died after he set himself on fire to protest against Chinese Communist Party rule—the 53rd self-immolation in just a few years.

US House Members Want Answers on Transplantation Abuse in China

A quarter of the House signed on to a letter deploring China's alleged organ harvesting.

Swedish Town Sets International Example for Waste Management

Several tons of fruit that used to go to waste daily in a small Indonesian town are now being turned into biogas to produce electricity.


Weekend Closures for 7 Subway Line Over East River

Riders of the No. 7 subway line will need to seek alternatives for the next five weekends because the No. 7 trains will not run between Queensboro Plaza and Times Square-42 Street.


Turkey Authorizes Sending Troops to Syria

The Turkish Parliament voted on Thursday to authorize sending soldiers into Syria if necessary. The vote signals a potential escalation of the conflict between Syria and [...]


Tales From the Practice of Medicine: Lack of Forbearance Can Ruin Health

A patient whom I will call Rita came to me to treat her Parkinson’s disease. In traditional Chinese medicine, Parkinson’s disease is called “trembling paralysis.”


Road Teams Win on Very “Wild Card” Friday

It didn’t take long for us to be reminded of how nutty October baseball can be. Moreso than any other sport, playoff baseball seems to have the most improbable heroes and [...]

Selected Topics from The Epoch Times

Jarrod Hall

By Stephen M. Harrelson (7 hours ago)
I must say , I frankly don't remember , and that it is a personal [...]
on Male Circumcision: What Would Newborns Say?
By Stephen M. Harrelson (8 hours ago)
Being a Heart Transplant Patient, I'm not so sure that this terrible practice is any [...]
on US House Members Want Answers on Transplantation Abuse in China
By RSG:NAXUTL «nahootl» (8 hours ago)
Recognition of dichotomotomic relationships, a baby at Ccut, may gasp into the foreign realm. [...]
on Male Circumcision: What Would Newborns Say?
By jeff (8 hours ago)
I did see the same thing on friday night at 11pm on oct 5. i [...]
on UFOs Filmed Over Phoenix, Arizona (Video)
By Ceren Tuncer (11 hours ago)
hello mr macdonald i am your student Ceren Tuncer i dont know if you remember [...]
on Guide to Midtown Toronto City Councillor Elections