IBM details 3-D server chip stacks

IBM details 3-D server chip stacks

IBM will show work stacking 45-nm server processors with memory and transceivers at IEDM, techniques that could give it significant performance and ...
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IBM has been filling B323A in East Fishkill N.Y. for years with tooling for advanced nodes. It seems ...
IEDM: Moore’s Law seen hitting big bump at 14 nm

IEDM: Moore’s Law seen hitting big bump at 14 nm

Chips made at the 14-nm process node could deliver as little as half the performance boost of a new node yet still carry a price premium, experts ...
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The problem for EUV is it has only one application space and that window is shrinking. In addition, ...
Mil-Aero top 10 'How-To' articles for 2012

Mil-Aero top 10 'How-To' articles for 2012

The year’s most popular contributed articles to Military & Aerospace Designline include design features on embedded vision, image sensors, FPGA ...
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MediaTek targets Qualcomm with quad-core/modem SoC

MediaTek targets Qualcomm with quad-core/modem SoC

MediaTek hopes its quad‐core Cortex‐A7 SoC can compete with Qualcomm, which just announced two quad-core chips with integrated modems.
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Linley Gwennap, principal analyst at the Linley Group, just pinged me. He is absolutely right. The ...
Toshiba claims MRAM can replace SRAM

Toshiba claims MRAM can replace SRAM

Smartphones and tablet computers could benefit from a prototype memory that Toshiba expects to be used to replace SRAM in cache memory for mobile ...
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The physics of SST-MRAM is described in Nanoscale Semiconductor Memories: Technology and ...
FDSOI roadmap renames next node as 14-nm

FDSOI roadmap renames next node as 14-nm

Documents presented at a meeting about fully depleted silicon on insulator (FDSOI) chip manufacturing in San Francisco show that the FDSOI roadmap now ...
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"A summary slide from Horacio Mendez, executive director of the SOI Consortium, showed the jump with ...
Ceva rebids for MIPS to stretch Imagination

Ceva rebids for MIPS to stretch Imagination

DSP processor licensor Ceva has raised its bid for the operating business of MIPS Technologies Inc. to $90 million, matching the cash balance of its ...
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A key factor is who has the deepest pockets with cash in them before having to go to the banks to ...
Why the ARM architecture is shaped the way it is

Why the ARM architecture is shaped the way it is

To understand why the ARM architecture and culture is shaped the way it is, you need to go back to the1970s, in the early days of EE Times.
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@richyoung I understand the Duchess of Cambridge was caught topless by a long lens photographer, ...
Renesas eyes foreign CEO, nominations welcome

Renesas eyes foreign CEO, nominations welcome

There’s nothing surprising about Japan Inc. bailing out Renesas. Rumors are now swirling about the desire for a foreign CEO. Who would you pick?
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I'm thinking Donald Trump. Honestly, a lot of sacred cows will need to go... Unfortunately, changing ...
Intel's 22-nm tri-gate SoC, how low can you leak?

Intel's 22-nm tri-gate SoC, how low can you leak?

After announcing Ivy Bridge, the mainstream CPU version of its 22-nm tri-gate technology in June, Intel is back with a revamped SoC version for low ...
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TSMC has an infrastructure and process to enable IP houses to develop analog, memory and other ...
Slideshow: A brief history of memory

Slideshow: A brief history of memory

Early memory technologies range from punched cards to vacuum tube-based digital devices capable of storing 4,096 bits.
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I worked on the FH-660 and Fastrand but am unfamiliar with the Univac drum that was 6' in diameter - ...
28-nm FDSOI is production ready, says ST

28-nm FDSOI is production ready, says ST

To coincide with a meeting on process technology held alongside IEDM, European chip company ST has announced that its 28-nm fully depleted ...
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This is huge. (And it's a huge cost-saver -- IBS estimates per-die FD-SOI cost is about half that of ...

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London Calling: Could gate-switched FDSOI win?

London Calling: Could gate-switched FDSOI win?

Simulations from a Scottish EDA company show that fully-depleted silicon-on-insulator process technology is the way to go at 20-nm, but better put the ...
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It is about process: the following explanation is from Professor Asenov's blog: In metal-gate-first ...
Dis-ARMing the data center – Separating myth from reality

Dis-ARMing the data center – Separating myth from reality

ARM keeps talking the microserver talk, but when is it going to start walking the walk? And is it even worth it?
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It's pretty simple really. It's collection of chips that have many cores that run very efficiently. ...
ProDesign is back

ProDesign is back

There are times when the EDA industry seems like the game of Whack-a-Mole. A company gets bought, the founders leave and start another company...
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Teardown: Apple iPad 4

Teardown: Apple iPad 4

UBM TechInsights peers inside the fourth-generation iPad to find out if there is anything new under the hood.
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Actually, the Qualcom communications chip is a different lower power version and the front camera ...
EE Times 40th: 10 electronics visionaries to watch

EE Times 40th: 10 electronics visionaries to watch

Predicting the future is always fraught with peril, but the visionaries featured here are boldly going where no one has gone before.
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I agree with your assessments, specialkaye. While the comparison of Lucy to Siri may be ill-advised, ...
Top 10 electronics business deals of 2012

Top 10 electronics business deals of 2012

Here are 10 of the most significant technology mergers and acquisitions of 2012.
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Not sure what you mean by Google acquiring Moto Mobility is an equipment deal and therefore somehow ...
Yoshida in NY: Can ST-Ericsson shrink to survive?

Yoshida in NY: Can ST-Ericsson shrink to survive?

How many employees does it take to run a mobile chip company these days?
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Ideally, you would expect a product company to have solid engineering/management skills, but in most ...
Decode your family’s genes for Christmas

Decode your family’s genes for Christmas

Unwrapping presents is cute, but outdated. For a modern Christmas twist, try cracking your genetic code.
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Intriguing option Sylvie...but if you find out some bad genes that make you more likely to die from ...
Silicon Valley Nation: 30-year battery life? Really?

Silicon Valley Nation: 30-year battery life? Really?

Better circuit design begets more features and functionality, which suggests we'll never improve battery life.
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Separate application, but my father bought a Sony transistor radio in the 1960s... one of the ...
Pacemaker was born of a blackout

Pacemaker was born of a blackout

The event that launched the medical electronics era was, ironically, an electrical blackout, in Minnesota's Twin Cities on the night of Oct. 31, 1957.
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Why Intel should make chips for Apple, Cisco

Why Intel should make chips for Apple, Cisco

Signs point to a shift in emphasis for the world’s biggest semiconductor company from a little less on microprocessors to a little more on ...
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In a conversation at IEDM yesterday, Intel's Mark Bohr suggests the company does have some larger ...
Yoshida in China: Probing Apple's U.S. manufacturing gambit

Yoshida in China: Probing Apple's U.S. manufacturing gambit

It remains to be seen how much actual work will result from Apple's plan to bring back some production to the U.S. from China. So how do we get from ...
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A little disappointed at the low level of insight shown in this debate. Would toss out a few obvious ...
London Calling: Whither ST?

London Calling: Whither ST?

STMicroelectronics' plan to exit from its joint venture with Ericsson makes sense, but its 2013 timetable suggests selling ST-Ericsson will not be ...
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Europeans, unfortunately, cannot business decision in a decisive and convincing manner. This ...

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green_is_now  12.12.2012
Don’t talk to me about Windows 8!
Why not allow the user to choose his interface. Boycott the ribbon! I mean boycott the ...
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It is about process: the following explanation is from Professor Asenov's blog: In metal-gate-first ...
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the_floating_ gate  12.12.2012
28-nm FDSOI is production ready, says ST
This is huge. (And it's a huge cost-saver -- IBS estimates per-die FD-SOI cost is about half that of ...
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So optical waveguides, mems mirrors, memory-material targets, and lazers need to be integrated into ...
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It's pretty simple really. It's collection of chips that have many cores that run very efficiently. ...
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Since hardware is capex intensive compared to a doughnut shop coupon app, hardware will linger ...
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I enjoyed the BBC Radio series Earthsearch by Ken Follet and have passed it on to grateful ...
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I like the bubble diagram for this, but you need to add the Koreans and Japenese. Different eras ...
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Good point, but it's still a looong way from the $150+ for most Xeons!
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pros: a blessing to americans who can secure a decent post, they can buy electronics, or almost ...
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resistion  12.12.2012
Micron ships phase-change memory
Nokia Asha has more ROM than RAM, strange way to use PCM (not even mentioned still).
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The problem for EUV is it has only one application space and that window is shrinking. In addition, ...
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green_is_now  12.12.2012
Smart meters tackle water conservation
Tiny bubbles... How do they effect the acuracy?
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Reader Message Boards

I start to have a feeling that china is THE heaven chosen place for mass production.
(kinda like abrabs are the chosen place for oil reserves, so they can

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last comment   12.12.2012  sprite0022
pros: a blessing to americans who can secure a decent post, they can buy electronics, or almost ...

TDD is one of the most popular software development techniques. I like this technology in general, and we employ it to some extent. The main thing is not to run

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PVS-Studio is a static analyzer that detects errors in source code of C/C++/C++11 applications. The PVS-Studio tool integrates into the Visual Studio

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The article will familiarize application developers with tasks given them by the mass introduction of 64-bit multi-core processors symbolizing revolutionary

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