black bar with title, National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior and the arrowhead

Central South Dakota Heritage Tourism Preserve America grant presentation;Repointing Nicholson House, NJ; Community Exhibit Pharr, TX
Historic Preservation Grants Site Map

Historic Preservation Grants Homepage

Grants for States
    -   Historic Preservation Fund Annual Report
    -   Historic Preservation Fund Manual
    -   State Historic Preservation Offices
    -   State Statistical Reports

Save America's Treasures
    -  SAT Program Details
    -  SAT Application
    -  SAT Manual & Forms
    -  National Siginificance Definition
    -  Frequently Asked Questions
    -  Funded Projects Database
    -  Program Contacts

Preserve America
    -  Application & Instructions
    -  Grant Manual & Forms
    -  Frequently Asked Questions
    -  Funded Projects
    -  Resources

Certified Local Governments
    -  Become a CLG
    -  CLG Contacts & Statistics
    -  CLG Annual Reporting Forms
    -  CLG Opportunities
    -  State Coordinators Login
    -  Frequently Asked Questions


Historically Black Colleges & Universities
    -   Application & Forms
    -   Program Details
    -   Grant Selection Process
    -   Frequently Asked Questions
American Battlefields

Japanese American Confinement Sites Preservation
    -  Application & Instructions
    -  Manual and Reporting Forms
    -  Upcoming Meetings
    -  Documents and Reports
    -  Additional Resources & Information
    -  Frequently Asked Questions
    -  Program Contacts    

Tribal Preservation Programs & Grants
    -  Tribal Preservation Program
    -  Tribal Heritage Publications, Partners, & Other Resources

    Tribal Project Grants
    -  Application
    -  Manual & Forms
    -  Past Grant Reports

    Tribal Historic Preservation Offices Program
    -  Search for Past THPO grants
    -  Manual & Forms
    -  Past Grant Reports

National Center for Preservation Technology & Training

Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act Program

Hurricane Disaster Relief Grants
    -  Program Details
    -  Grant Projects





Do You Know?
Do you know where to find the money? There are many sources of Federal funding for historic preservation. Check out this guide to learn more...
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