Mixed Victory for Army Sitting Volleyball

Army CPT David Vendt, U.S. Army sitting volleyball coach, pulls his team together to discuss strategy during the first set against the U.S. Navy at the 2012 Warrior Games on May 1, 2012 in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

By SGT Jerry Griffis, 43rd Public Affairs Detachment
The U.S. Army sitting volleyball team played their first matches of the third annual Warrior Games on May 1, 2012.  It was a night of mixed emotions as the U.S. Army lost the first two sets against the Marines and won the first two sets against the Navy/Coast Guard team.

The Warrior Games is an annual competition between wounded, ill, and injured servicemembers from the Air Force, Army, Marines, Navy, and Special Operations Command (SOCOM).  The competition features a variety of adaptive sports including archery, cycling, shooting, sitting volleyball, track and field, and wheelchair basketball.

During the first match, the Marines defeated the Army 25-18, and then 27-18.  During the second set of the match, the competition was fierce as the Army fought to even the score. Eventually the Marines were able to come out on top, pushing the games to the next round.

In the second match, the Army faced off against the Navy/Coast Guard team. The Army seemed warmed up and ready as they cleared the path to victory in both sets. The Army defeated Navy/Coast Guard 25-22, and then 25-18.

Army sitting volleyball coach, CPT David Vendt, said there were some initial hiccups early in the night, but they won’t stop his team’s drive to win the gold.

“The Army team played the Army way,” said Vendt.  “We will continue to march.”

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