• Sunset at Lake Mead's Boulder Basin

    Lake Mead

    National Recreation Area AZ,NV

Weather, Lake Levels and Temperature

Sunset at Lake Mead

Sunset at Lake Mead

One of the many aspects of the Lake Mead National Recreation Area that continually draws visitors is its good weather. Many people come just to relax in the land of the sun. Refugees from states hit hard by winter's icy clutch often flee to this area to spend a mild winter. Sunbathers and water skiers spend summers here to toast in the 110 degree F plus temperatures. The area generally has less than five inches of annual rainfall. Water temperatures may range from 45 degrees F. to 85 degrees F. at different times of the year.

National Weather Service for current local area weather

Bureau of Reclamation's current lake levels

NOAA data for temperature, precipitation and water temperature, Southern Great Basin and Mojave Desert


Average minimum and maximum temperatures
throughout the year in Boulder City, Nevada

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Avg Temperature 44 48 55 65 74 82 89 87 80 67 53 46
Avg Maximum Temperature 57 62 69 80 89 98 105 103 97 83 68 59
Avg Minimum Temperature 30 35 40 50 58 66 72 71 63 50 37 32


Call: U.S. Weather Service

Las Vegas (702) 736-3854

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